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Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
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Harpenden Neonatometer哈彭登新生婴儿身长测量计

Harpenden Neonatometer哈彭登新生婴儿身长测量计(Harpenden Neonatometer)的设计目的是测量新生婴儿的身体长度,测试精确度达到到毫米。Harpenden Neonatometer新生婴儿身长测量计特别的设计是,在测试过程中不需要将躺着的新生婴儿抬起放置在测量计的表面。Harpenden Neonatometer新生婴儿身长测量计的滚珠轴承托架可非常轻便地移动,测量托架配有先进的恒压杠杆装置,通过恒压杆进行操作,测试数据被精确地自动锁定在测试点上。此特别装置可确保测量的再现性,并有效地消除由于不同的操作者操作方法不同而引起的测试数据变化。

  • 长款,188毫米到750毫米。
  • 短款,180毫米到600毫米。



Harpenden Neonatometer哈彭登新生婴儿身长测量计(Harpenden Neonatometer),文献索引(部分):
  • Mayo Clin Proc Digit Health. 2023 Dec;1(4):498-509. doi: 10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.001.
A Digital Health Solution for Child Growth Monitoring at Home: Testing the Accuracy of a Novel "GrowthMonitor" Smartphone Application to Detect Abnormal Height and Body Mass Indices

98.701SC-L Harpenden Neonatometer哈彭登新生婴儿身长测量计,长款 电邮询价
98.701SC-S Harpenden Neonatometer哈彭登新生婴儿身长测量计,短款 电邮询价

Harpenden Neonatometer The Harpenden Neonatometer is designed to measure the length of a subject to the nearest millimetre; it is specifically designed to be used without the subject having to be lifted from the surface on which they are lying The ball-bearing mounted carriage has an extremely free movement and is operated via a constant pressure lever, which automatically locks the carriage at the correct measuring point. This mechanism ensures reproducibility of measurement and effectively eliminates variation due to differing operator techniques. Measuring range: Long, 188 mm to 750 mm. Short, 180 mm to 600 mm. Nett weight: 2kg 701L Harpenden Neonatometer,Long Email for Quotation 701S Harpenden Neonatometer, Short Email for Quotation
Harpenden Neonatometer The Harpenden Neonatometer is designed to measure the length of a subject to the nearest millimetre; it is specifically designed to be used without the subject having to be lifted from the surface on which they are lying The ball-bearing mounted carriage has an extremely free movement and is operated via a constant pressure lever, which automatically locks the carriage at the correct measuring point. This mechanism ensures reproducibility of measurement and effectively eliminates variation due to differing operator techniques. Measuring range: Long, 188 mm to 750 mm. Short, 180 mm to 600 mm. Nett weight: 2kg 701L Harpenden Neonatometer,Long Email for Quotation 701S Harpenden Neonatometer, Short Email for Quotation
Harpenden Neonatometer The Harpenden Neonatometer is designed to measure the length of a subject to the nearest millimetre; it is specifically designed to be used without the subject having to be lifted from the surface on which they are lying The ball-bearing mounted carriage has an extremely free movement and is operated via a constant pressure lever, which automatically locks the carriage at the correct measuring point. This mechanism ensures reproducibility of measurement and effectively eliminates variation due to differing operator techniques. Measuring range: Long, 188 mm to 750 mm. Short, 180 mm to 600 mm. Nett weight: 2kg 701L Harpenden Neonatometer,Long Email for Quotation 701S Harpenden Neonatometer, Short Email for Quotation
Harpenden Neonatometer The Harpenden Neonatometer is designed to measure the length of a subject to the nearest millimetre; it is specifically designed to be used without the subject having to be lifted from the surface on which they are lying The ball-bearing mounted carriage has an extremely free movement and is operated via a constant pressure lever, which automatically locks the carriage at the correct measuring point. This mechanism ensures reproducibility of measurement and effectively eliminates variation due to differing operator techniques. Measuring range: Long, 188 mm to 750 mm. Short, 180 mm to 600 mm. Nett weight: 2kg 701L Harpenden Neonatometer,Long Email for Quotation 701S Harpenden Neonatometer, Short Email for Quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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