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Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
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Harpenden Portable Stadiometer哈彭登便携式站姿身高测量计

Harpenden Portable Stadiometer哈彭登便携式站姿身高测量计(Harpenden Portable Stadiometer),具有所有需固定安装在墙面上的Harpenden Stadiometer的特点,且特别具有便携的功能。Harpenden便携式站姿身高测量计具有同样可灵敏移动操作的平衡举板,可直接精确地提供测试读数,测试精度可达到毫米,测试范围从810毫米——2060毫米。Harpenden便携式站姿身高测量计由二根立柱和一个底座构成,安装极为简便,竖立安装后形成一个独立的牢固的整体。Harpenden便携式站姿身高测量计拆卸后,立柱可以折叠放置在底座内,由此形成一个便携式的手提箱。

  •   重量(包括底座):20.5kg
  •   底座尺寸:120cm x 36cm x 75cm


98.603HE Harpenden哈彭登便携式站姿身高测量计 电邮询价

Harpenden Portable Stadiometer This instrument has been designed to give all the advantages of the "Harpenden" wall-mounted Stadiometer in a portable form. It has the same sensitive counter balanced movement and will give accurate and direct readings, to the nearest millimetre, over a range of 810 mm to 2060 mm. It is extremely easy to erect, its only component parts being two uprights and a base. Erected, it is a robust free-standing unit. Dismantled, the uprights fit inside the base, which doubles as a substantial carrying case. Weight (Including Base): 20.5 kg BaseDimensions: 120cm x 36cm x 75cm 603VR Harpenden Portable Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Portable Stadiometer This instrument has been designed to give all the advantages of the "Harpenden" wall-mounted Stadiometer in a portable form. It has the same sensitive counter balanced movement and will give accurate and direct readings, to the nearest millimetre, over a range of 810 mm to 2060 mm. It is extremely easy to erect, its only component parts being two uprights and a base. Erected, it is a robust free-standing unit. Dismantled, the uprights fit inside the base, which doubles as a substantial carrying case. Weight (Including Base): 20.5 kg BaseDimensions: 120cm x 36cm x 75cm 603VR Harpenden Portable Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Portable Stadiometer This instrument has been designed to give all the advantages of the "Harpenden" wall-mounted Stadiometer in a portable form. It has the same sensitive counter balanced movement and will give accurate and direct readings, to the nearest millimetre, over a range of 810 mm to 2060 mm. It is extremely easy to erect, its only component parts being two uprights and a base. Erected, it is a robust free-standing unit. Dismantled, the uprights fit inside the base, which doubles as a substantial carrying case. Weight (Including Base): 20.5 kg BaseDimensions: 120cm x 36cm x 75cm 603VR Harpenden Portable Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Portable Stadiometer This instrument has been designed to give all the advantages of the "Harpenden" wall-mounted Stadiometer in a portable form. It has the same sensitive counter balanced movement and will give accurate and direct readings, to the nearest millimetre, over a range of 810 mm to 2060 mm. It is extremely easy to erect, its only component parts being two uprights and a base. Erected, it is a robust free-standing unit. Dismantled, the uprights fit inside the base, which doubles as a substantial carrying case. Weight (Including Base): 20.5 kg BaseDimensions: 120cm x 36cm x 75cm 603VR Harpenden Portable Stadiometer Email for Quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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