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Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
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Harpenden Stadiometer哈彭登站姿身高测量计

Harpenden Stadiometer哈彭登站姿身高测量计(Harpenden Stadiometer)是用于测量人体身高精准的测量工具,具有可灵敏移动操作的平衡举板,可直接精确地提供测试读数,测试精度达到毫米,测试范围从600毫米——2100毫米。

Harpenden 站姿身高测量计的主框架由轻质合金制成,提供可调节的墙面支架,便于测量计可以牢固地安装在墙面上。Harpenden 站姿身高测量计的滑动构件通过滚珠轴承滚动滑行,确保滑动构件操作轻便,不会出现卡顿的现象,但请注意滑动速度不应超过30厘米/秒。
  •   Harpenden 站姿身高测量计配有高速的维德路特(Veeder-Root)计数器。
  •   所有金属部件表面涂有银色或灰色的锤纹漆。
  •   重量:12.7公斤左右。


68.602HE Harpenden 哈彭登站姿身高测量计 电邮询价

Harpenden Stadiometer The "Harpenden" Stadiometer is a counter recording instrument, with an effortless counter balanced movement. It will give an accurate and direct reading of a subjects height, to the nearest millimetre over a range of 600 mm to 2100 mm. Specification The main frame ot this instrument is rigidly made ot light alloy angle and provided with adjustable wall brackets for mounting purposes. The Stadiometer head-block operates via miniature ball-bearing rollers in order to ensure a movement which is free yet without cross-play. This should not be moved faster than 30cm/sec The Stadiometer is fitted with a high speed Veeder-Root counter. All metal parts have a silver/grey hammer finish . Weight: 12.7 kg approx. 602VR Harpenden Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Stadiometer The "Harpenden" Stadiometer is a counter recording instrument, with an effortless counter balanced movement. It will give an accurate and direct reading of a subjects height, to the nearest millimetre over a range of 600 mm to 2100 mm. Specification The main frame ot this instrument is rigidly made ot light alloy angle and provided with adjustable wall brackets for mounting purposes. The Stadiometer head-block operates via miniature ball-bearing rollers in order to ensure a movement which is free yet without cross-play. This should not be moved faster than 30cm/sec The Stadiometer is fitted with a high speed Veeder-Root counter. All metal parts have a silver/grey hammer finish . Weight: 12.7 kg approx. 602VR Harpenden Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Stadiometer The "Harpenden" Stadiometer is a counter recording instrument, with an effortless counter balanced movement. It will give an accurate and direct reading of a subjects height, to the nearest millimetre over a range of 600 mm to 2100 mm. Specification The main frame ot this instrument is rigidly made ot light alloy angle and provided with adjustable wall brackets for mounting purposes. The Stadiometer head-block operates via miniature ball-bearing rollers in order to ensure a movement which is free yet without cross-play. This should not be moved faster than 30cm/sec The Stadiometer is fitted with a high speed Veeder-Root counter. All metal parts have a silver/grey hammer finish . Weight: 12.7 kg approx. 602VR Harpenden Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Stadiometer The "Harpenden" Stadiometer is a counter recording instrument, with an effortless counter balanced movement. It will give an accurate and direct reading of a subjects height, to the nearest millimetre over a range of 600 mm to 2100 mm. Specification The main frame ot this instrument is rigidly made ot light alloy angle and provided with adjustable wall brackets for mounting purposes. The Stadiometer head-block operates via miniature ball-bearing rollers in order to ensure a movement which is free yet without cross-play. This should not be moved faster than 30cm/sec The Stadiometer is fitted with a high speed Veeder-Root counter. All metal parts have a silver/grey hammer finish . Weight: 12.7 kg approx. 602VR Harpenden Stadiometer Email for Quotation
Harpenden Stadiometer The "Harpenden" Stadiometer is a counter recording instrument, with an effortless counter balanced movement. It will give an accurate and direct reading of a subjects height, to the nearest millimetre over a range of 600 mm to 2100 mm. Specification The main frame ot this instrument is rigidly made ot light alloy angle and provided with adjustable wall brackets for mounting purposes. The Stadiometer head-block operates via miniature ball-bearing rollers in order to ensure a movement which is free yet without cross-play. This should not be moved faster than 30cm/sec The Stadiometer is fitted with a high speed Veeder-Root counter. All metal parts have a silver/grey hammer finish . Weight: 12.7 kg approx. 602VR Harpenden Stadiometer Email for Quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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