CPT认知能力测试套装Cognitive Performance Test
CPT认知能力测试套装(Cognitive Performance Test(CPT))是一种标准化的绩效评估,最初是作为一种基础性职业表现测量研究工具而开发的。通过CPT认知能力测试标准化的测试评估,可以用来确定成年患者的ADL基本功能和认知障碍方面的系列变化。
CPT认知能力测试套装基于艾伦认知障碍理论(Cognitive Disability Theory,CDT),是用于解释和预测患者在不同环境下的功能表现,并指导和干预康复治疗计划,以及测量和跟踪认知功能障碍的严重程度,并决定患者需要采取哪些补偿和安全措施。CPT认知能力测试套装适用于患有阿尔茨海默氏症(老年痴呆症)和其他认知障碍的患者。
CPT认知能力测试,由七个子任务组成,这些子任务衡量一个人对常见ADL活动的理解程度,包括:分类日常服用药物(sorting daily medications), 购买衣服(shopping for clothing),洗手(washing hands),准备食物(preparing food),使用电话(using the telephone),从一个地方到另一个地方旅行(traveling from one location to another)以及穿衣(dressing)。前4个子任务的组件(除了烤面包机外)都包括在内。后3个任务根据实际进行模拟。
CPT认知能力测试(CPT - Cognitive Performance Test)的经验证据和来自NIA(国家情报局)纵向研究的心理测量属性也包括在套装中。
- 可以与各种诊断组合一起使用。
- 预测评估患者日常生活的工具使用情况和基本活动的能力及需要改进提高的方面。
- 跟踪随时间变化患者功能变化的情况(情况表现稳定,衰退或改进)。
- 由七个子任务组成,患者完成这些任务的不同情况被系统地分析,评估得出序数级别。
- 子任务的道具复杂多样,包括测量技术方面误选项的干扰道具。
- 子任务的道具组件包括购物用具,手机,连衣裙,到特定地点旅行的指示道具,以及设置这些道具的说明和使用手册。
CPT认知能力测试套装Cognitive Performance Test (CPT),文献索引(部分)
- Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2021 Nov 6.doi: 10.1007/s00404-021-06289-z. Online ahead of print.
- Am J Occup Ther. Jul/Aug 2018;72(4):7204205040p1-7204205040p9.doi: 10.5014/ajot.2018.027052.
- Am J Occup Ther. Sep-Oct 2016;70(5):7005290010p1-6.doi: 10.5014/ajot.2016.019166.
- 原装进口,产地美国
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CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation
CPT - Cognitive Performance Test The CPT is a standardized performance-based assessment initially developed as a research instrument for baseline and serial measurements of occupational performance. Common daily activities are used to measure working memory and executive control function that underlie occupational performance and behavior. The CPT is used to explain and predict the clients capacity to function in various contexts and to guide intervention plans, as well as to measure and track the severity of a cognitive-functional disability such as with Alzheimers disease. Standardized test determines baseline function and serial changes in adult clients with cognitive disorders. Based on the Allen Cognitive Disability Theory. Use this performance-based test for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive disorders. Helps to predict and explain functional capabilities in various contexts, as well as determine the compensatory and safety needs of the client. Consists of seven sub-tasks that measure one’s understanding of common ADL activities: sorting daily medications, shopping for clothing, washing hands, preparing food, using the telephone, traveling from one location to another, and dressing. Components for the first 4 sub-tasks, except the toaster, are included. The last 3 tasks are location/client specific. Empirical studies, longitudinal data and instructions included. CPT: · Can be used with a variety of diagnostic groups · Predicts the clients capacity and needs in Instrumental and Basic Activities of Daily Living · Tracks changes over time (stability vs. decline or improved function) · Consists of seven sub-tasks for which the information processing requirements are systematically varied to assess ordinal levels § Sub-task props vary in complexity and include distracter props for the measurement technique § Components for sub-tasks Medbox, Shop, Wash, and Toast (except the toaster) are included § Sub-tasks Phone, Dress, and Travel are location specific with instructions for props and set-up included in the manual CPT empirical evidence and psychometric properties from NIA longitudinal studies are included in the manual NC34573/ 718370000 CPT - Cognitive Performance Test Email for Quotation