SPM瑞文标准推理测验( SPM Raven ' s Standard Progressive Matrices™)和SPM Plus瑞文标准推理测验( SPM Plus Raven ' s Standard Progressive Matrices™Plus )是观察技能和清晰思维能力的非语言测验。SPM 和 SPM Plus 用途广泛,可用于儿童和成人的各种研究应用。Raven的SPM和SPM Plus均产生一个原始分数和百分位数排名,以表明与普通人群中的正常群体相比,教育能力或从事件中清楚地思考和提取意义的能力。
开发者: John C Raven
形式和完成时间:单独个人或团体20 ~ 45分钟;或者不定时
- 在各种环境中使用,例如测试文化多样的人群,以尽量减少文化或语言偏见的影响。
- 提供各种预包装套件,便于购买,单个组件的价格优惠。
SPM测试共有60个项目,分为5组(A-E),每组12个项目。SPM Plus包含更强大的项目,同时保留了SPM的五套六十项格式。
- 瑞文彩色图形推理能力测验(CPM)Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM),(用于儿童和老年人)
- 瑞文标准推理测验(SPM)Raven's Progressive Matrices(SPM),(适用于一般人群)
- 瑞文高级推理能力测验(APM)Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) ,(适用于20%测试高分人群)
- 在教育领域,瑞文推理测验有很长的应用历史。分数相对不受语言和种族背景的影响,可以作为孩子和成年人在教育背景下的一个预测指标。
- 在临床环境中,瑞文推理测验的可靠性和专业性使它成为神经心理方面理想的评估工具,通过大量的临床数据和老年人群的测试数据表明,瑞文推理测验比传统的认知测试更具效度。
- 多年来,瑞文推理测验在许多研究中得到广泛应用。瑞文推理测验强大的理论背景,大量引证的常模数据和跨多种语言,种族和文化背景的应用,使瑞文推理测验成为在教育和临床环境的认知能力评估、大范围人群调查测试等领域理想的评估工具。
- 瑞文彩色图形推理能力测验(CPM)Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM),(用于儿童和老年人)
- 瑞文标准推理测验(SPM)Raven's Progressive Matrices(SPM),(适用于一般人群)
- 瑞文高级推理能力测验(APM)Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) ,(适用于20%测试高分人群)
- 瑞文标准推理测验套装(SPM),型号:9780749163815,包括:
- 瑞文彩色图形推理能力测验(CPM),型号:9780749163808,包括:
- 瑞文高级推理能力测验(APM),型号:9780749163792,包括:
瑞文标准推理测验(SPM)(Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM),文献索引(部分):
- Br J Dev Psychol. 2022 Mar;40(1):35-45.doi: 10.1111/bjdp.12381. Epub 2021 May 27.
- Environ Int. 2021 Oct;155:106692.doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106692. Epub 2021 Jun 18.
- Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2021 Jul 5.doi: 10.1111/ajo.13403. Online ahead of print.
- Schizophr Res. 2021 May;231:67-69.doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2021.03.001. Epub 2021 Mar 23.
- Front Psychol. 2021 Jan 6;11:607577.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.607577. eCollection 2020.
- J Intell. 2020 Aug 14;8(3):30.doi: 10.3390/jintelligence8030030.
- Psychiatry Investig. 2020 Aug;17(8):835-839.doi: 10.30773/pi.2019.0281. Epub 2020 Aug 18.
- J Intell. 2020 May 6;8(2):22.doi: 10.3390/jintelligence8020022.
- J Intell. 2020 May 6;8(2):21.doi: 10.3390/jintelligence8020021.
- Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 9;10(1):6145.doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63089-2.
- J Intell. 2020 Feb 4;8(1):5.doi: 10.3390/jintelligence8010005.
- Front Psychol. 2019 Dec 5;10:2724.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02724. eCollection 2019.
- Data Brief. 2019 Nov 26;28:104884.doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104884. eCollection 2020 Feb.
- J Intell. 2019 Jun 28;7(3):14.doi: 10.3390/jintelligence7030014.
- Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Apr;81:1-11.doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.01.029. Epub 2018 Feb 22.
- J Intell. 2018 Feb 28;6(1):9.doi: 10.3390/jintelligence6010009.
- Matern Child Nutr. 2018 Jan;14(1):e12481.doi: 10.1111/mcn.12481. Epub 2017 Jun 21.
- BMC Anesthesiol. 2017 Dec 19;17(1):170.doi: 10.1186/s12871-017-0462-8.
- 请仔细阅读以下本产品重要说明。
- 语言:英文
- 计分表格:纸张
- 国际惯例:相应的专业人员购买并使用
- 产品主要参数: Raven's Progressive Matrices(SPM); Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM);Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM)
- 原装进口,产地英国
- 尊重并维护知识产权,请按以下列表选择购买使用量表类产品,以实现教学、科研等工作的严谨性和信效度
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9780749163815 | 瑞文标准推理测验套装(SPM) | 电邮询价 |
9780749163808 | 瑞文彩色图形推理能力测验(CPM) | 电邮询价 |
9780749163792 | 瑞文高级推理能力测验(APM) | 电邮询价 |
量表 | ||
9780158338392 | 瑞文标准推理测验套装(SPM),一包10份EasyScore答题纸 | 电邮询价 |
9780158338385 | 瑞文彩色图形推理能力测验(CPM),一包10份EasyScore答题纸 | 电邮询价 |
9780158338378 | 瑞文高级推理能力测验(APM),一包10份EasyScore答题纸 | 电邮询价 |
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation
Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices — Ravens SPM Kit Progressive Matrices are used to assess general ability from a non-verbal perspective Ravens Progressive Matrices enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are in wide use throughout the world and come in a variety of formats to cover educational, clinical and occupational uses. Raven’s Progressive Matrices A measure of eductive ability – the ability to make sense and meaning out of complex or confusing data; the ability to perceive new patterns and relationships, and to forge (largely non-verbal) constructs which make it easy to handle complexity. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices comes in 3 formats: • Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) (for use with children and elderly people) • Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) (for use with the general population) • Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (top 20% of the population) Raven’s Progressive Matrices have a wide variety of applications including: • In educational settings the Matrices have a long history of application and use. Scores are relatively unaffected by linguistic and ethnic background and can be used as a good predictor of success in an educational context for both children and adults. • In clinical settings the reliability of the measures and lack of bias makes them ideal tools in neuropsychological assessment, working with elderly people and many clinical groups whose particular needs make the demands of more traditional cognitive testing unrealistic. • For many years the Matrices have found wide application in numerous research studies. Their strong theoretical background, lengthy citation count and application across multiple language, ethnic and cultural groups make them ideal tools for investigations requiring measurements of cognitive abilities in a wide range of organisational, educational and clinical settings. Ravens SPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens CPM Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet Ravens APM Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2 Publication Year: Various Author(s): John C Raven et al 9780749163815 Ravens SPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163808 Ravens CPM Kit Email for Quotation 9780749163792 Ravens APM Kit Email for Quotation 9780158338392 SPM Classic easy score record forms, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 CPM Easy Score answer sheets, pack of 10 Email for Quotation 9780158338385 APM easy score record form, pack of 10 Email for Quotation