Rivermead行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3)-Rivermead行为记忆量表(Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test, 3th Ed.(RBMT-3)),预测后天性非进行性脑损伤患者的日常记忆问题,并监测随时间的变化。
开发者: Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford
最初的Rivermead行为记忆测试(RBMT)于1985年出版(Wilson,Cockburn,& Baddeley,1985)。它的设计目的是(a)预测获得性、非渐进性脑损伤和(b)监测随时间变化的人的日常记忆问题。
虽然RBMT和RBMT-E在评估记忆方面很有用,但仍需要一些改变来提高这些测试的临床效果。2003年,Rivermead 行为记忆测验第二版(RBMT—II)出版了。RBMT—II在原有版本的基础上对测试材料进行了更新,但并不包括进一步发展的子测试项目和重新定义标准化测试。
目前最新版的Rivermead 行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3)的目的是通过更新,使该测试工具更具有临床的适用性和效用性。为了实现这一目的,RBMT—3做了多项改变。
- 收集了比以前版本更大范围的标准样本数据。
- 作者认为,目前使用的版本中的一些子测试对某些测试者来说可能有点太困难(如RBMT - E),或者有点太容易(如RBMT)。(RBMT—3)在项目的难易程度上进行了适度的调整,以更好满足测试的需求。
- 在人脸识别的测试环节,原RBMT的民族多样性表征不充分。因此,新版本包括了更多非洲加勒比人和亚洲血统的人的照片,以确保测试适合于一个多种族的社会,如英国和美国。
- 用于评估一个人吸收口头信息能力的故事也得到了更新。
- 新增了一个新的子测试。这项新任务评估了一个人学习新技能的能力,这是对日常工作至关重要的。
- 增加了干预章节,以提高工具的临床实用性。
- 最后,鉴于RBMT - E在1999年发表,需要对规范数据进行修订。我们保持了RBMT的原始结构,因为这已经证明了对脑损伤患者的日常记忆问题都是有效的和敏感的。RBMT的新版本将增强其作为临床和研究工具的功能。
1 记忆姓名能力;2 记忆物件收藏位置;3 记忆约会时间; 4 记忆图片和图片识别能力;5 故事忆叙能力;6 记忆样貌能力;7 记忆路线能力;8 “信息”信封;9 时空定向;10 日期;
Rivermead 行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3)完全套装,型号:9780749134761,包括:
管理和评分手册, 25张记录表格(量表)、2本刺激物书册,新增任务刺激物材料,新增任务的记分卡,故事卡片,信息信封和计时器
Rivermead行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3)-Rivermead行为记忆量表(Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test, 3th Ed.(RBMT-3)),文献索引(部分):
- Psychogeriatrics. 2022 Mar 13.doi: 10.1111/psyg.12819. Online ahead of print.
- Bone Joint J. 2022 Mar;104-B(3):331-340.doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.104B3.BJJ-2020-2021.R2.
- Neurol Int. 2022 Jan 11;14(1):90-98.doi: 10.3390/neurolint14010008.
- Am J Occup Ther. 2021 Sep 1;75(5):7505205050.doi: 10.5014/ajot.2021.041996.
- J Appl Gerontol. 2019 Jul;38(7):1035-1044.doi: 10.1177/0733464817750276. Epub 2018 Jan 2.
- Health Technol Assess. 2019 Apr;23(16):1-194.doi: 10.3310/hta23160.
- Eur J Ageing. 2019 Apr 10;16(4):473-480.doi: 10.1007/s10433-019-00514-0. eCollection 2019 Dec.
- Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2019 Jan;29(1):144-159.doi: 10.1080/09602011.2016.1272467. Epub 2017 Jan 4.
- J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2018 Nov;40(9):853-864.doi: 10.1080/13803395.2018.1441379. Epub 2018 Mar 6.
- Arch Gerontol Geriatr. May-Jun 2017;70:28-37.doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2016.12.007. Epub 2016 Dec 16.
- Resuscitation. 2017 Sep;118:8-14.doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2017.06.012. Epub 2017 Jun 24.
- PLoS One. 2016 Jul 22;11(7):e0158867.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158867. eCollection 2016.
- BMC Geriatr. 2015 Oct 1;15:113.doi: 10.1186/s12877-015-0110-4.
- Indian J Anaesth. 2015 Mar;59(3):150-5.doi: 10.4103/0019-5049.153036.
- Acta Neurol Scand. 2014 Nov;130(5):312-8.doi: 10.1111/ane.12228. Epub 2014 Feb 15.
- Neurologia. Jul-Aug 2014;29(6):339-45.doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2013.07.004. Epub 2013 Oct 17.
- Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2013;9:875-81.doi: 10.2147/NDT.S44973. Epub 2013 Jun 21.
- Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Apr;67(3):148-53.doi: 10.1111/pcn.12034.
- Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2013 Oct;17(4):286-91.doi: 10.3109/13651501.2013.813553. Epub 2013 Jul 2.
- Brain Inj. 2013;27(13-14):1658-65.doi: 10.3109/02699052.2013.830196. Epub 2013 Oct 16.
- Appl Neuropsychol. 1998;5(2):57-64.doi: 10.1207/s15324826an0502_1.
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9780749134617 | Rivermead行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3),管理和评分手册 | 电邮询价 |
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9780749134631 | Rivermead行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3),刺激物书册1 | 电邮询价 |
9780749134648 | Rivermead行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3),刺激物书册2 | 电邮询价 |
9780749134662 | Rivermead行为记忆测验第三版(RBMT—3),故事卡片 | 电邮询价 |
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Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) The original Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) was published in 1985 (Wilson, Cockburn, & Baddeley, 1985). It was designed to (a) predict everyday memory problems in people with acquired, non-progressive brain injury and (b) monitor change over time. The RBMT comprises tasks analogous to everyday situations that appear to be troublesome for memory impaired patients. Numerous studies since the publication of the RBMT have shown the clinical utility of this tool for different patient populations. In 1999 the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Extended Version (RBMT-E) was published. This version was developed to create an instrument that could detect mild memory deficits. In order to enhance the test’s sensitivity the level of difficulty of the test was increased by doubling the amount of material to be remembered. Although the RBMT and the RBMT-E proved useful in the assessment of memory, some changes were required to increase the clinical effectiveness of these tests. In 2003 the RBMT-II was published. This was an update of materials but did not include further development of subtest items or restandardisation of the test. back to top The new RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of the tool. A number of changes were made to the tool to meet this goal. A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This novel task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. Finally, given that the RBMT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data is required. We stay close to the original structure of the RBMT as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems in people with brain injury. It is hoped that this new version of the RBMT will enhance its function as both a clinical and a research tool. RBMT-3 Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, novel task score card, storycard, message envelope and time Publication Year: 2008 Author(s): Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery, John Crawford 9780749134761 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition (RBMT-3) Email for Quotation 9780749134617 Administration and scoring manual Email for Quotation 9780749134655 Novel task stimulus material Email for Quotation 9780749134624 Record forms, pack of 25 Email for Quotation 9780749134631 Stimulus book 1 Email for Quotation 9780749134648 Stimulus book 2 Email for Quotation 9780749134662 Storycard Email for Quotation