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Jebsen手功能评估系统 JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation


Jebsen手功能测试组评估箱- JEBSON评估箱

Jebsen手功能评估(Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT))是1969年由Jebsen-Taylor 提出的一项客观、标准化和多角度的手功能测试,主要用于评估手部日常生活能力,操作简单,简便易行,仅需15分钟便能完成双手的测试。该测试由7个测定手不同活动的计时测验组成,包括:①写一个短句子(书写文字);②翻小卡片(模拟翻书);③拾起和摆放细小物体;④移动大的空罐头罐;⑤移动大的重罐头罐;⑥堆放棋子;⑦模拟进食。七个部分的测试可广泛评估日常的手功能,所以又称为七项手功能测试(评定)。进行评估时使用普通的物品如回形针、罐头、铅笔等。空罐头可存放测试用的小物品。附说明书,执行七个子测试需用到的所有物品,棉帆布手提袋,含50条空白记录表格的便笺。木板11又1/4英寸宽 x 41又1/2英寸长(28 x 103 cm)。不含天然乳胶。


Jebsen手功能测试组评估箱(Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test , JTHFT)文献索引(部分)
  • Pediatr Neurol. 2022 Jan;126:80-88.doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2021.09.019. Epub 2021 Sep 30.
《Somatosensory Plasticity in Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Following Constraint Induced Movement Therapy》
  • J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 15;11(16):4755. doi: 10.3390/jcm11164755.
《Haptic Perception Training Programs on Fine Motor Control in Adolescents with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Preliminary Study》
  • J Hand Ther. Jul-Sep 2021;34(3):396-403.doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2020.01.004. Epub 2020 Mar 7.
《Investigation of reliability, validity, and cutoff value of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test》
  • Hand Surg Rehabil. 2021 Oct;40(5):560-567.doi: 10.1016/j.hansur.2021.05.004. Epub 2021 May 21.
《A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT)》
  • J Multidiscip Healthc. 2021 Apr 30;14:1007-1016.doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S298991. eCollection 2021.
《Intermanual Transfer Effects on Performance Gain Following Dominant Hand Training in Community-Dwelling Healthy Adults: A Preliminary Study》
  • Burns. 2021 Jun;47(4):828-837.doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2020.09.010. Epub 2020 Oct 4.
《Effect of Wii-habilitation on spatiotemporal parameters and upper limb function post-burn in children》
  • Percept Mot Skills. 2020 Aug;127(4):684-697.doi: 10.1177/0031512520920087. Epub 2020 Apr 22.
《Examining Reliability and Validity of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test Among Children With Cerebral Palsy》
  • J Hand Ther. Jan-Mar 2020;33(1):34-44.doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2018.10.002. Epub 2019 Mar 8.
《Assessing kinematic variability during performance of Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test》
  • Dev Med Child Neurol. 2019 Oct;61(10):1182-1188.doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14184. Epub 2019 Feb 14.
《Reliability and responsiveness of the Jebsen-Taylor Test of Hand Function and the Box and Block Test for children with cerebral palsy》
  • Somatosens Mot Res. 2019 Mar;36(1):49-55.doi: 10.1080/08990220.2019.1584555. Epub 2019 Mar 26.
《Efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation combined with therapeutic exercise on hand function in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy 》
  • PLoS One. 2019 Aug 6;14(8):e0220544.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220544. eCollection 2019.
《Home rehabilitation supported by a wearable soft-robotic device for improving hand function in older adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial》
  • Am J Occup Ther. Nov/Dec 2018;72(6):7206345010p1-7206345010p5.doi: 10.5014/ajot.2018.024745.
《Within-Session Practice Effects in the Jebsen Hand Function Test (JHFT)》
  • Pediatr Phys Ther. 2018 Jan;30(1):58-65.doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000465.
《Comparison of Hand Function Between Children With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Children Without Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus》
  • Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2016 Aug;36(3):292-304.doi: 10.3109/01942638.2015.1040576. Epub 2015 Sep 30.
《The Jebsen Taylor Test of Hand Function: A Pilot Test-Retest Reliability Study in Typically Developing Children》
  • J Hand Surg Am. 2010 Jan;35(1):30-7.doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2009.09.008. Epub 2009 Dec 2.
《Validity and responsiveness of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test》
  • Clin Neurophysiol. 2017 Oct;128(10):1858-1871.doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2017.07.408. Epub 2017 Jul 31.
《Fine motor skills predict performance in the Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test after stroke》
  • Reumatismo. 2016 Dec 31;68(4):183-187.doi: 10.4081/reumatismo.2016.943.
《Relationship between patient-reported and objective measurements of hand function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis》
  • Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2015 Oct 6;95(37):3008-11.
《Evaluation of dysfunction of hand and clinical efficacy in patients with hirayama disease treated with surgery by Jebsen-Taylor Test》
  • Top Stroke Rehabil. Mar-Apr 2014;21(2):137-51.doi: 10.1310/tsr2102-137.
《Effect of neurofeedback and electromyographic-biofeedback therapy on improving hand function in stroke patients》
  • Clin Rehabil. 2004 Mar;18(2):195-202.doi: 10.1191/0269215504cr722oa.
《Evaluation of the Modified Jebsen Test of Hand Function and the University of Maryland Arm Questionnaire for Stroke》
  • 原装进口
8063 Jebsen手功能测试组评估箱-JEBSON评估箱 电邮询价
557287 Jebsen手功能测试组评估箱-JEBSON评估箱,空白记录表格(1包50张)  电邮询价
806301 Jebsen手功能测试-JEBSON评估箱,10颗木质模块 电邮询价


JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen手功能评估系统 JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen手功能评估系统 JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen手功能评估系统 JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen手功能评估系统 JEBSON评估箱一套 主要用于评估手部日常生活活动能力,简便易行。整套测试共有7项计时的测试,包括书写文字、模拟翻书捡拾细小的物品。模拟进食、摆放物品、挪动空的盛物罐、挪动重的盛物罐。 Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
Jebsen Hand Function Test (Jamar®Hand Function Test) Seven-part test evaluates a broad range of everyday hand functions. Conduct using common items such as paper clips, cans, pencils, etc. Empty cans hold small test items. Comes with instructions, all items needed to perform seven subtests, a cotton duck carrying bag, and pad of 50 blank record forms. Board 11-1/4"W x 41-1/2"L (28 x 103 cm). Latex free. 8063 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test) Email for quotation 557287 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), Record Forms, Pad of 50 Email for quotation 806301 Jamar® Hand Function Test(Jebsen Hand Function Test), 10 Wooden Checkers Email for quotation
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