上 海 瑞 狮 生 物 科 技 有 限 公 司
Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
邮箱: sales@ruishihealthcare.com

说明: https://www.fab-ent.com/media/02_Evaluation/12-0128.jpg

Baseline手功能评估箱(8件套)(Baseline Hand Evaluation-8-piece Set)包括以下设备放置在一个便携的手提箱内:
  •   Baseline®200磅标准液压握力计
  •   Baseline®50磅标准液压捏力计
  •   Baseline® 6英寸不锈钢手指量角器
  •   Baseline® 手指圆周测量器(厘米)
  •   Baseline® HIRes® 6英寸180 度塑料量角器
  •   Baseline® 软尺
  •   Discim-A-Gon™ 二点辨别觉测试盘
  •   Tactile™ 单丝触觉测试套装(5件装)
 Baseline握力计(Baseline Grip Dynamometer)文献索引(部分):
  • Hand Surg Rehabil. 2024 Jun;43(3):101692. doi: 10.1016/j.hansur.2024.101692. Epub 2024 May 3.
Comparison of two electronic dynamometers for measuring handgrip strength
  • Sensors (Basel). 2024 Mar 14;24(6):1861. doi: 10.3390/s24061861.
Variability between Different Hand-Held Dynamometers for Measuring Muscle Strength
  • PeerJ. 2022 May 27:10:e13390. doi: 10.7717/peerj.13390. eCollection 2022.
Ability of functional performance assessments to discriminate athletes with and without chronic ankle instability : a case-control study
  • J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2015 Nov;55(11):1318-21. Epub 2014 Oct 7.
Determination the validity of the new developed Sport Experts® hand grip dynamometer, measuring continuity of force, and comparison with current Takei and Baseline® dynamometers
  • J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017 Jun 1;18(6):551.e9-551.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2017.03.006. Epub 2017 Apr 29.
Reference Values of Grip Strength, Prevalence of Low Grip Strength, and Factors Affecting Grip Strength Values in Chinese Adults
  • Ageing Res Rev. 2017 May:35:112-123. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2017.01.004. Epub 2017 Feb 8.
Handgrip strength as a means of monitoring progression of cognitive decline - A scoping review

Baseline机械捏力计(Baseline Pinch Gauge),文献索引(部分):
  • J Hand Surg Am. 2023 Oct 23:S0363-5023(23)00492-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2023.09.002. Online ahead of print.
Long-Term Outcomes in Female Patients With Carpometacarpal Arthroplasty and Metacarpophalangeal Fusion Compared With the Unoperated Side or Carpometacarpal Arthroplasty
  • Assist Technol. 2024 Jul 3;36(4):256-263. doi: 10.1080/10400435.2023.2267626. Epub 2023 Oct 17.
Application of remodeled glove puppetry for children with developmental disabilities: A randomized controlled trial
  • J Taibah Univ Med Sci. 2016 Jun 16;12(1):70-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2016.05.003. eCollection 2017 Feb.
The strain - Counter strain technique in the management of anterior interosseous nerve syndrome: A case report

120128 Baseline手功能评估箱(8件套) 电邮询价

Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
Baseline Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb HPG: Baseline® 8-piece standard hand evaluation set includes the following instruments stored in a protective carrying case: standard 200 pound capacity hydraulic hand dynamometer (blue), standard 50 pound capacity hydraulic pinch gauge (blue), 6 inch stainless steel finger goniometer, finger circumference gauge, 180 degree 6 inch plastic goniometer, measuring tape, Discim-A-Gon™ and tactile™ 5-piece monofilament set. CE Certified. 120128 Baseline® Hand Evaluation - 8-piece Set - Features Standard 200 lb HHD & 50 lb Email for Quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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