JTECH Medical Commander Echo数字捏力计(软件可选)
JTECH Medical Commander Echo数字捏力计,提供了一种便携式,高精度的手部捏力测试解决方案,无需计算机即可收集数据,Commander Echo控制器与无线Echo数字捏力计一起使用,以获取并存储相关数据,并以用户选择的度量单位(磅、公斤、牛顿)显示这些数据。不需要电脑便能提供快速、高效的捏力测试。 作为一个标准的捏力测量仪,Commander Echo数字捏力计兼容同行评议,公认协议和标准刻度值,用于重返工作岗位的FCE功能性能力评估(Functional Capacity Evaluation)、累积性工伤或需要手部捏力强度信息的评估。
JTECH Medical Commander Echo数字捏力计特点:
- 精密技术可实现捏力测试的高精度;
- 即使测试时偏离中心施力,智能“轴补偿”称重传感器技术也能确保精度;
- 可记录和显示多达25次测试;
- 可显示,比较左右两边的平均捏力值和逆差值;
- 计算变异系数(CV)并测定一致性;
- 0.1磅分辨率,可精确测试力量很弱的被测试者;
- 可选的Commander Echo下载软件(单独出售)可减少转录错误,数据直接从控制器下载到一个简单易读的基本报表中;
- 所有的Echo设备都可以升级到与JTECH的Northstar软件程序接口;
Commander Echo捏力计产品信息:
- 每次测试可重复次数:1-4次
- 测试范围:0—50磅(22.7公斤,222.4 N)
- 计量单位(可选):磅、千克、牛顿
- 重量:0.46磅(0.2千克)
- 长度:4.29英寸(10.90厘米)
- 宽度:2.12英寸(5.4厘米)
- 高度:1.57英寸(4厘米)
- 电池类型:可充电锂聚合物
- 电池:一次充电可持续使用约10-14小时
Commander Echo控制器产品信息:
- 存储测试数:20
- 重量:0.46磅(0.21千克)
- 长度:4.66英寸(11.84厘米)
- 宽度:2.61英寸(6.63厘米)
- 深度:96英寸(2.44厘米)
- 电池类型:可充电锂聚合物
- 电池:一次充电可持续使用约13小时
JTECH Medical Commander Echo数字捏力计套件,主要包括以上二个产品。
可选的Commander Echo下载软件(需单独购买),是 JTECH Medical Commander Echo数字捏力计的软件补充。
从Commander Echo控制器收集的数据快速创建表格。 软件使用蓝牙与Commander Echo控制器连接。 报告是彩色显示,并留有空间来填入有关测试者的信息。
CM309/CM300 | JTECH Medical Commander Echo数字捏力计套件 | 电邮询价 |
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge The Commander™ Pinch dynamometer system is the efficient, versatile way to evaluate pinch strength without a computer. Commander™ Pinch is an excellent tool for assessing pinch strength to identify deficits due to injury or disease and help determine voluntary participation in FCE’s and medicolegal examinations. Featuring a standard pinch gauge, Commander™ Pinch is compatible with peer-reviewed, published protocols and normative values. Commander™ Pinch incorporates easily into post-offer, return-to-work, FCE, functional testing, repetitive trauma disorder, or any evaluation that requires pinch strength information. Commander Pinch Features: Standard gauge compatible with peer-reviewed, published normative data; Records and displays data for up to 25 bilateral tests; Displays bilateral deficits for easy side-to-side comparison; Calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for consistency determination; Downloader software available (sold separately) for importing data into a computer. Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120211 J-Tech™ Commander - PinchTrack Pinch Gauge Email for quotation