JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪(软件可选)-数字肌力测试系统
肌肉力量测试旨在客观地评估力量,并通过治疗提供功能丧失和改善的可靠证据。JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪(JTECH Commander Echo Muscle tester)提供了便携式,高精度数字测试解决方案,无需计算机即可收集数据。 Commander Echo控制器与便携式无线的Echo肌力测试仪配合使用,以捕获和存储相关数据,并以用户选择的度量单位显示这些数据。JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪,客观地量化了肌肉强度,可确定由于受伤或疾病导致的肌肉无力的区域。JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪,提供了丰富的信息,通过规划治疗和康复训练,帮助治疗师评估进展,病例管理和伤害评定。设计紧凑的数字肌力测试仪可轻松握在您的手中。记录、存储和分析重复多达40次的双边测试,每次每侧最多4次。计算双边的力量以进行双边的客观比较。计算多个重复变异系数(CV)明确稳定的力量大小值。“快速链接”系统使仪检测点的改变更快更容易。下载软件(单独出售)用于将数据导入电脑。
- 通过“轴补偿”技术提高了测试过程中的稳定性,即使在偏心放置的情况下,也可以保证精度
- 设计采用2.11英寸高人体工学设计,可减少翻滚和倾斜,舒适地放在手掌中
- 计量单位为磅、千克、牛顿
- 自动重复收集功能使用户无需单击按钮即可在测试中进行浏览
- 可选的Commander Echo下载软件可减少转录错误。数据直接从控制台下载到一个简单易读的基本报表中
- 所有的Echo设备都可以升级到与JTECH的Northstar软件程序接口
- 每次测试可重复次数:1-4次
- 重量:0.45磅(0.02千克)
- 长度:4.02英寸(10.2厘米)
- 宽度:2.40英寸(6.1厘米)
- 高度:2.11英寸(5.3厘米)
- 电池类型:可充电锂聚合物
- 电池:一次充电可持续使用约10-14小时
Commander Echo控制器产品信息:
- 存储测试数:20
- 重量:0.46磅(0.21千克)
- 长度:4.66英寸(11.84厘米)
- 宽度:2.61英寸(6.63厘米)
- 深度:96英寸(2.44厘米)
- 电池类型:可充电锂聚合物
- 电池:一次充电可持续使用约13小时
JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪套件,包括以上二个产品。
可选的Commander Echo下载软件(需单独购买),是 JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪-数字肌力测试系统的软件补充。
从Commander Echo控制器收集的数据快速创建表格。 软件使用蓝牙与Commander Echo控制器连接。 报告是彩色显示,并留有空间来填入有关测试者的信息。
CM305/CM300 | JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪套件 | 电邮询价 |
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Dimensions: 14" x 4.5" x 11.5" 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Muscle tester JTECH Medical Commander Echo Commander Echo Console Muscle strength testing is designed to objectively assess strength and provide solid evidence of functional losses and improvements through treatment. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo muscle tester to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. The Commander™ Muscle Tester adds an advanced dimension to research-proven-reliable dynamometer muscle testing without using a computer. Commander™ Muscle Tester objectively quantifies strength to identify areas of muscle weakness due to injury or disease. Commander Muscle Tester provides a wealth of information to assist you with planning treatment/rehab, evaluating progress, managing cases and rating impairment. Compact dynamometer fits easily in your hand. Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests with up to four repetitions per side. Calculates bilateral strength deficits for objective side-to-side comparisons. Calculates multiple repetition coefficient of variation (CV) for determining effort consistency. “Axis Compensation" circuitry guarantees 99% accuracy across entire test pad. "Quick-connect" system makes changing dynamometer test pads faster and easier. Downloader software (sold separately) available for importing data into a computer Stability during tests is improved with “Axis Compensation” technology which guarantees 99% accuracy even with off-center placement Design reduces rollover and tilting with a 2.11” high ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the palm Measures in lb, kg, N Automatic repetition collection allows users to move through tests without even clicking a button Greater Capabilities Optional Commander Echo Downloader software available to reduce transcription errors. Data is downloaded directly from the console into a basic, easy-to-read report All Echo devices can be upgraded to interface with JTECH’s Northstar Software programs Part Number: CM305 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.45 lb (0.02 kg) Length: 4.02 in (10.2 cm) Width: 2.40 in (6.1 cm) Height: 2.11 in (5.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 10-14 hours of continual use Commander Echo Console Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 120383 J-Tech™ Commander - PowerTrack II MMT Email for quotation