上 海 瑞 狮 生 物 科 技 有 限 公 司
Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
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MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation

MicroFET2 便携式数字肌力测试仪(软件可选)-便携式手持肌肉功能测试系统
MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester ),是微型场效应晶体管产品线的主要产品。产品符合人体工程学设计,能够精准、客观地从多个位面测量力度。可自主选择的MicroFET2软件从MicroMF2下载检测数据:该软件能够自动执行计算和有效性检查,并根据测试数据生成图表,及多次测试左右侧比较图,从而取得详实的评估报告。
  • 测量范围:0-300磅力
  • 易读液晶显示器显示峰值力读数和发力时间
  • 可选的测量单位为:磅(lbs)、牛顿(N)或千克力(kgf)
  • 精度在读数的1%以内
  • 具有两个阈值设置:低阈值-0.8磅到300磅,增量为0.1磅;高阈值-3.0磅到300磅,增量为0.1磅
  • 可存储多达30个测试结果
  • 使用可充电锂离子可充电电池
  • 具有3分钟后自动激活“睡眠”模式,以延长电池使用时间
  • 提供通用的附属装置以保证特定肌肉隔离
  • 优化尺寸设计,更贴合手部
  • microFET2能够作为独立装置或和数据采集软件配合使用;作为快捷便携式测试仪器使用,使用完成后即可重新连接电脑进行更多深度测试及文件编制
  • 产品专利号:5090421
  •   三个传感器垫:平面扁平传感器垫、弯曲弧形传感器垫、平面点状传感器垫、
  •   用户使用手册
  •   便携式手提箱
  •   检验合格校准证书

  • 临床诊断软件,提供肌力测试和脊柱运动范围测试的协议。收集并追踪、分析和比较统计患者的测试数据,并生成叙述和图形报告。
  • 数据采集软件,为研究和教育应用而设计。同时捕获原始测试数据,同时显示数据的实时图表。数据以逗号分隔值(CSV)格式保存,可以在大多数电子表格程序中打开以进行进一步分析。

Hoggan MicroFET肌肉与骨骼检测设备是具备了准确性、客观性、可计量性的检测工具,无线的MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester ),通过提供准确、客观和可量化的结果,消除了肌肉骨骼测试的主观性。MicroFET技术使临床医生能够记录、加强和支持治疗计划。HOGGAN MicroFET系列产品被广泛应用于大学、医院、体育院校、物理和职业康复及评估、运动医学和竞技体育等领域,以及用于研究和临床试验,并在全球范围内进行药学试验和相应的科学研究。

MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(MicroFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester)文献索引:(部分)
  • Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Jan 14;12(1):202.doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12010202.
Experimental Approach of Quadriceps Strength Measurement: Implications for Assessments in Critically Ill Survivors
  • Front Neurol. 2021 Apr 30;12:628414.doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.628414. eCollection 2021.
Neck and Trunk Muscle Strength in Children With Spinal Muscular Atrophy Is Lower Than in Healthy Controls and Depends on Disease Type
  • Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 May 14;60(5):2146-2156. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keaa419.
Hand-held dynamometry for assessment of muscle strength in patients with inflammatory myopathies

  • Chir Main. 2002 Jan;21(1):56-64. 
Reliability of global interdigital pinch (vice pinch) dynamometral values measured by Microfet 2]
  • BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2014 Feb 25;6(1):10.   
Reference values for isometric muscle force among workers for the Netherlands: a comparison of reference values 
  • Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2017 Feb;27:137-141.  
Intrarater reliability of hand held dynamometry in measuring lower extremity isometric strength using a portable stabilization device 
  • PLoS One. 2015 Oct 28;10(10):e0140822.  
Assessment of Lower Limb Muscle Strength and Power Using Hand-Held and Fixed Dynamometry: A Reliability and Validity Study 
  • Chir Main. 2002 Jan;21(1):56-64. 
Reliability of global interdigital pinch (vice pinch) dynamometral values measured by Microfet 2]
  • BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2014 Feb 25;6(1):10.   
Reference values for isometric muscle force among workers for the Netherlands: a comparison of reference values 
  • Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2017 Feb;27:137-141.  
Intrarater reliability of hand held dynamometry in measuring lower extremity isometric strength using a portable stabilization device 
  • PLoS One. 2015 Oct 28;10(10):e0140822.  
Assessment of Lower Limb Muscle Strength and Power Using Hand-Held and Fixed Dynamometry: A Reliability and Validity Study 
120381W MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(不含软件) 电邮询价
120381WC MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(含诊断软件) 电邮询价
120381WD MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(含数据采集软件) 电邮询价
120381WCD MicroFET2便携式数字肌力测试仪(含诊断软件和数据采集软件) 电邮询价


MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester The microFET2 Digital Manual Muscle Tester is the backbone of the microFET product line. This cost-effective, ergonomically-designed HOGGAN microFET 2 accurately and objectively measures force in multiple planes. The optional MicroFET2 software downloads testing data from the MF2: the software automatically performs calculations and validity checks and creates the tables or graphs from testing data, allowing you to create high-impact session and comparison reports. Features: FDA approved Digital display is located directly on gauge for ease of use Unit measures in pounds or newtons Versatile attachments ensure proper muscle isolation for increased testing validity Suitable wherever sensitive readings are required- low threshold begins at 0.8 pounds and registers 0.1 pound increments to 150 pounds microFET2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or with data capture software; it can detach from a computer for quick, portable tests and be reattached to a computer for more thorough testing and documentation Benefits: Accuracy within two percent One year warranty Compact design fits easily in the hand Self-activating sleep mode to extend battery life Accessories: Three attachments: curved, digit and flat User manual Upper and lower body test recording pads Muscle test wallchart Carrying case Calibration certificate MICROFET2 MicroFET2™ Digital Manual Muscle Tester Email for quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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