Baseline塑料关节活动度测量量角器系列和Absolute Axis水平(垂直)装置
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器
Baseline®360 ISOM塑料关节活动度测量量角器(STFR), 采用透明的塑料方便观察关节轴运动,及其运动范围。360°测量面的三个尺度符合ISOM标准系统(STFR国际测量标准)。测量臂标有英寸和厘米线性刻度。量表读数以1 °为单位。
Baseline 360º 塑料关节量角器如下规格:
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器——12英寸
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器——8英寸
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器——6英寸
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器,HiRes™测量刻度条专门设计为白色,方便数值读取。透明塑料材质使测量者能够在关节活动过程中观察其的中轴和其活动范围。每个量角器的头部标有三种刻度能和ISOM(国际测量标准,STFR)系统配合使用。测量臂上有英寸和厘米单位的直线标度,测量臂能够一直保持测量位置直到重置。角度单位增量为1°。
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节量角器如下规格:
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器——12英寸
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器——8英寸
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器——6英寸
Absolute Axis™关节活动度量角器水平(垂直)装置(Absolute Axis™ Attachment)
Absolute Axis™关节活动度量角器水平(垂直)装置,易于与各种塑料(有机玻璃)制成的人体关节活动度量角器相连,只需要简单地将Absolute Axis™装置插入量角器一边的标尺臂的末端即刻使用,不影响量角器正常的测量功能。
测量关节活动度时,一般的方法是将量角器的一个标尺臂水平或垂直放置,另一个标尺臂与被测试者的身体部分对齐,这要求测试者目测并假设量角器的一个标尺臂已经在水平或垂直位置,这种目测的方法往往是不正确的,并会导致测量误差。Absolute Axis™关节活动度量角器水平(垂直)装置,消除了测量过程中的可变性,使测试者能够集中精力观察,并根据被测试者的身体位置伸展、屈曲、旋转的情况,正确放置量角器另一个标尺臂的位置,从而读出正确读数。
使用Absolute Axis™关节活动度量角器水平(垂直)装置,这种小巧的专利设计产品,可以提高比如,肩部和髋部活动度,颈椎屈曲、伸展、旋转和侧弯,以及其他主动的关节活动度测量的准确性。
Baseline® ISOM标准测量和记录规则挂图
Baseline® ISOM标准测量和记录规则挂图,36英寸×30英寸的挂图说明了美国骨科医师协会提出的测量和记录规则。包含测角法(goniometry)、x射线评估(X-ray evaluation)和人体测量法(anthropometric measurement)。
121000 |
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器——12英寸 |
电邮询价 |
121000HR |
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器——12英寸 |
电邮询价 |
121001 |
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器——8英寸 |
电邮询价 |
121001HR |
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器——8英寸 |
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121002 |
Baseline 360º 塑料关节活动度测量量角器——6英寸 |
电邮询价 |
121002HR |
Baseline®360º HiRes™塑料关节活动度测量量角器——6英寸 |
电邮询价 |
121026 |
Absolute Axis™关节活动度量角器水平(垂直)装置 |
电邮询价 |
121095 |
Baseline® ISOM标准测量和记录规则挂图 |
电邮询价 |
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments. Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart: 36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement. 121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation 121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head
Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments.
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head
Transparent HiRes™ plastic goniometer permits observation of joints axis of motion, and its range of motion. The HiRes™ design ads a white line behind measurement gradations to make the readings easy to see. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° increments.
Baseline® ISOM Measurement Chart:
36" x 30" wall chart illustrates measurement and recording rules as set forth by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Covers goniometry, X-ray evaluation & anthropometric measurement.
121000 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation
121000HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation
121001 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 8 inch Arms: Email for quotation
121001HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms: Email for quotation
121002 Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation
121002HR Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - HiRes™ 360 Degree Head – 6 inch Arms: Email for quotation