上 海 瑞 狮 生 物 科 技 有 限 公 司
Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
邮箱: sales@ruishihealthcare.com


Baseline®音叉6件套(Baseline® Tuning Fork -6-piece set )评估听觉和振动感。包含6个常用频率音叉(128 ,256, 512 , 1024 , 2048 , 4095赫兹) 。 配有保护盒。

121460 Baseline®音叉6件套 电邮询价

Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Evaluate hearing and vibratory sensation. Set of 6 commonly used frequencies contains the following tuning forks (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4095 cps). come with protective case. 121460 Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Email for quotation
Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Evaluate hearing and vibratory sensation. Set of 6 commonly used frequencies contains the following tuning forks (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4095 cps). come with protective case. 121460 Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Email for quotation
Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Evaluate hearing and vibratory sensation. Set of 6 commonly used frequencies contains the following tuning forks (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4095 cps). come with protective case. 121460 Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Email for quotation
Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Evaluate hearing and vibratory sensation. Set of 6 commonly used frequencies contains the following tuning forks (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4095 cps). come with protective case. 121460 Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Email for quotation
Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Evaluate hearing and vibratory sensation. Set of 6 commonly used frequencies contains the following tuning forks (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4095 cps). come with protective case. 121460 Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Email for quotation
Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Evaluate hearing and vibratory sensation. Set of 6 commonly used frequencies contains the following tuning forks (128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4095 cps). come with protective case. 121460 Baseline® Tuning Fork - 6-piece set Email for quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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