
JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪-痛觉阀限测量仪
J-Tech™ Commander™电子测痛仪 - 痛觉阀限测量仪( JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer )是专为简易处理和更好的确认临床上显著疼痛的敏感变化而设计的。J-Tech™ 电子测痛仪为治疗计划、进展评估和案例管理提供了一种方便、有效、客观的疼痛评估工具。可轻易测量压强阈值/公差,和病人报告的触发点的压痛。
使用JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪-痛觉阀限测量仪,识别疼痛触发因素,疼痛程度,疼痛耐受性,建立治疗方案并跟踪治疗进程中的改善情况。JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪,提供了一种便携式,高精度的测试解决方案,无需计算机即可收集数据,用于帮助评估纤维肌痛、关节炎情况和触发点压痛,可以测量特定区域的疼痛,能客观地对患者进行疼痛管理,而不是主观判断评定疼痛等级。Commander Echo控制器与无线Echo压力测痛仪一起使用,以获取并存储所有相关数据,并以用户选择的度量单位(磅、公斤、牛顿)显示这些数据。
JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪-痛觉阀限测量仪特点:
- 造型简洁,人体工程学设计手感舒适。
- 记录,存储和分析多达40条双边测试。
- 为临床上重要的并排比较计算双边差异。
- 依既定协议工作,包括美国风湿病学会(ACR)纤维肌痛的评测。
- 标准探头 1 cm2(1平方厘米) 符合研究型检测方案。
- 特别条款探头0.5 cm2(0.5平方厘米)有效的测试头部和颈部的小肌肉。
- 可确定压力灵敏度的微小变化得出量化的结果。
- 下载软件可用于将数据导入到电脑。
JTECH Medical Commander Echo无线压力测痛仪产品信息:
- 每次测试可重复次数:1-4
- 最大压力输入:25 lbf(11.3 kg,111 N)
- 可选度量单位:lb,kg,N
- 重量:0.35磅(0.16千克)
- 长度:6.5厘米(2.56英寸)
- 宽度:4.6厘米(1.81英寸)
- 高度:7.3厘米(2.87英寸)
- 电池类型:可充电锂聚合物
- 电池使用: 一次充电可连续使用4-6小时
Commander Echo控制器产品信息:
- 存储测试数:20
- 重量:0.46磅(0.21千克)
- 长度:4.66英寸(11.84厘米)
- 宽度:2.61英寸(6.63厘米)
- 深度:96英寸(2.44厘米)
- 电池类型:可充电锂聚合物
- 电池使用:一次充电可持续使用约13小时
可选的Commander Echo下载软件(需单独购买),是 JTECH Medical Commander Echo便携式数字肌力测试仪-数字肌力测试系统的软件补充。
从Commander Echo控制器收集的数据快速创建表格。 软件使用蓝牙与Commander Echo控制器连接。 报告是彩色显示,并留有空间来填入有关测试者的信息。
JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪-痛觉阀限测量仪( JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer ),文献索引(部分):
- Open Orthop J. 2013 Sep 20:7:521-9. doi: 10.2174/1874325001307010521. eCollection 2013.
- J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Jul;26(7):1107-11. doi: 10.1589/jpts.26.1107. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
- Man Ther. 2016 Feb:21:144-50. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2015.07.003. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
- 原装进口,产地美国
CM307/CM300 | JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪套件 | 电邮询价 |
JTECH Medical Commander Echo电子压力测痛仪-痛觉阀限测量仪视频演示
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
J-Tech™ Commander Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation

JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation
JTECH Medical Commander Echo Algometer The Commander Algometer is designed for easy handling and fine resolution to identify clinically significant pain sensitivity changes. The Commander Algometer provides a convenient, efficient, objective pain evaluation tool for treatment planning, progress evaluation and case management. The Commander Algometer easily measures pressure thresholds/tolerances and trigger point tenderness reported by patients. Commander Algometer Features Compact, ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand Records, stores and analyzes up to 40 bilateral tests Calculates bilateral deficit for clinically important side-to-side comparisons Works with established protocols, including American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Fibromyalgia evaluation Standard 1 cm2 for conforms to research-based testing protocols Special .5 cm2 tip is effective for testing small muscles of the head and neck Downloader software available for importing data into a computer Identify pain triggers, pain levels, pain tolerance, establish treatment and track improvement with Command Echo Algometry. Commander Echo offers a portable, highly accurate digital testing solution that doesn’t require a computer for data collection. The Commander Echo console works with the wireless Echo algometer to capture and store all the relevant data and display it in the users preferred units of measurement. Note: The Commander Echo Console is required with an initial device purchase. Objective Pain Management Used to help evaluate fibromyalgia, arthritic conditions and trigger point tenderness. Allows for objective measurement of pain in specific areas versus a subjective pain scale rating Part Number: CM307 Repetitions per Test: 1-4 Maximum Force Input: 25 lbf (11.3 kg , 111 N) Units of Measure: lb, kg, N Weight: 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) Length: 2.56 in (6.5 cm) Width: 1.81 in (4.6 cm) Height: 2.87 in (7.3 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 4-6 hours of continual use Part Number: CM300 Number of Stored Tests: 20 Weight: 0.46 lb (0.21 kg) Length: 4.66 in (11.84cm) Width: 2.61 in (6.63 cm) Depth: .96 in (2.44 cm) Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery Life: Approx. 13 hours of continual use 121485 J-Tech™ Commander Algometer Email for quotation