上 海 瑞 狮 生 物 科 技 有 限 公 司
Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
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Neuropen神经性病变单丝检测笔 10g40g

Neuropen神经性病变单丝检测笔 10g(40g)(Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g (40g)),糖尿病患者的足部溃烂发病率相当高,严重的可能导致足部或者腿部截肢的后果。

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《Reliability of recommended non-invasive chairside screening tests for diabetes-related peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review with meta-analyses》
  • Endocr Pract. 2021 Jun;27(6):567-570.doi: 10.1016/j.eprac.2021.03.009. Epub 2021 Mar 30.
《Comparison of Clinical Tests for Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy in a Type 1 Diabetes Cohort》
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《Clinical Tools for Peripheral Neuropathy to Exclude Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus》
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《Influence of Peripheral Neuropathy and Microangiopathy on Skin Hydration in the Feet of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus》
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《Correlation of cardiac autonomic neuropathy with small and large peripheral nerve function in type 2 diabetes mellitus》
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《Is it possible to substitute the monofilament test for the Ipswich Touch Test in screening for peripheral diabetic neuropathy?》
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《Detecting intrinsic muscle weakness of the hallux as an addition to early-stage screening of the feet in patients with diabetes 》
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《Evaluation of the variation in sensory test results using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments》
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《Tactile sensitivity on the hands skin in rheumatic patients》

NV0590 Neuropen 神经性病变单丝检测笔10g             邮件询价

Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g The only dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. Foot ulceration causes considerable morbidity among patients with diabetes mellitus and the amputation of a foot or leg remains its most dreaded consequence. Peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to this screening programme, meeting and exceeding current practices by being the first dual purpose, pocket size device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose Neuropen: Neurotip test (1) for assessing reduced sensation to sharpness/ pain in small nerve fibres. The calibrated spring mechanism (2) exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients Monofilament test (3) for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation in large nerve fibres. NV0590 Neuropen Neuropathy Testing Device 10g Email for quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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