VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation

Valpar职业康复训练及标准化评估系统8- VCWS8 模拟装配工作能力评估训练盒
Valpar职业康复训练及标准化评估系统8- VCWS8 模拟装配工作能力评估训练盒(VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly)
特殊功能: 评分可以对照标准参照的标准,或在本地开发的标准参照的标准。有无残疾人士都可使用。 VCWS#8 B-套件 为适应视障或失明人士使用。
收集资料:工作样本模拟与职业有关的工作任务,包括检查和测量分级和排序的目的。按照美国劳工部的劳动岗位分析技术进行分析。分析的结果是,劳工部所列的相关工作的能力和其它因素的列表。 Valpar使用方法时间测量( MTM )建立产业工作速率标准的工作样本。成功的表现需要各种劳工部所列的特性,体能要求,以及其他因素。
组件:工作样本是一个尺寸27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2"的盒子,由木屑板制成,表面覆有蓝色塑料层压板。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统1(VCWS 01),小工具(机械)使用能力评估套装(Small Tools (mechanical)),评估手和手指的运动能力,以及在狭小或尴尬的工作环境下使用小型工具的能力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统2(VCWS 02),尺寸(大小)鉴别能力评估套装(Size Discrimination),评估完成物品尺寸(大小)鉴别工作的能力,包括尺寸(大小)鉴别、手和手指的灵巧性。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统3(VCWS 03),数值排序分类归档能力评估评估套装(Numerical Sorting),评估完成按编号排列和使用数字和数字系列进行排序,分类和归档工作能力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统4(VCWS 04),上肢活动能力评估套装(Upper Extremity Range of Motion),评估上肢运动范围和上半身的工作耐受性。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统5 (VCWS 05),文书理解和运用能力评估套装(Clerical Comprehension and Aptitude),评估文书的理解和运用能力,以及相应的工作技能。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统6 (VCWS 06),独立解决问题能力评估套装(Independent Problem Solving),评估了对细节进行关注的能力,并对不同颜色的几何设计之间的差异进行比较和区分。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统7 (VCWS 07),多级排序分类能力评估套装(Multi-Level Sorting),评估快速分类排序决策能力,该快速排序涉及颜色、数字、字母及其组合的多层次的视觉辨别和快速分拣。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统8(VCWS 08),模拟装配工作能力套装(Simulated Assembly), 评估了操作需要使用双侧上肢,执行重复性装配工作的能力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统9(VCWS 09),全身关节活动度敏捷性评估套装(Whole Body Range of Motion),评估了通过躯干、手臂、手、腿和手指,全身范围内的身体运动,以及通过跪姿,弯腰,重复蹲伏和头顶伸展等动作的完成效果,来评估关节活动度的敏捷性和身体耐力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统10(VCWS 10),三级测量工作技能评估套装(Tri-Level Measurement),评估了与检查和测量相关的工作技能,评估范围从简单到非常精确。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统11(VCWS 11),眼手足协调能力评估套装(Eye-Hand-Foot Coordination),评估了协调移动眼睛,手和脚的能力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统12(VCWS 12),焊接和检验(电子元件)工作能力评估套装(Soldering & Inspection (electronic)),评估了使用小工具并手眼协调焊接电子元件及检验的工作能力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统15(VCWS 15),电气电路图阅读理解能力和相关电路工作操作技能评估套装(Electrical Circuitry & Print Reading),评估了理解和使用电路完成有关工作的技能。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统16(VCWS 16),起草和阅读蓝图技能评估套装(Drafting),评估了当前的实际水平和绘制蓝图技能的潜在能力,从简单的测量任务到相对复杂的绘图和蓝图阅读,共有6个评分测试练习。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统17(VCWS 17),PVRB就职前适应能力评估套装(Pre-Vocational Readiness Battery), 适用于有认知障碍,到有特殊学习障碍的广泛人群,评估职前培训、教育、庇护或适应独立生活环境的能力。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统18(VCWS 18),补偿因视力受损或失明引起的日常生活和职业技能能力恢复情况评估套装(CUBE (Conceptual Understanding Through Blind Evaluation)),评估用于弥补视障和失明视力丧失的各种技能和能力。评估技能与日常生活和职业情况相关。这些技能包括空间能力和运动协调,解决问题的能力,以及触觉和听觉感知能力。工作样本建立基线测量值,可以与定向和移动性训练和康复教学(治疗)后的分数进行比较,以评估实现既定客户康复目标的进程。
- Valpar职业康复评估训练系统19(VCWS 19),动态物理能力评估套装(Dynamic Physical Capacities),评估各种物理能力,同时模拟出货和收货员的工作。工作样本评估从久坐的文书工作到非常重的体力工作的不同工作强度等级,并且具有以下物理需求,其中包括:到达,处理,接近敏锐,攀爬,平衡,弯腰,蹲伏和视觉调节。需要重要的文书感知,运动协调和手动灵活性以在竞争水平上执行工作的能力。
VCWS 08 | Valpar职业康复训练及标准化评估系统8- VCWS 8 模拟装配工作能力评估训练盒 | 电邮询价 |
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation
VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Purpose: To assess the ability to perform repetitive assembly work requiring manipulation and bilateral use of the upper extremities. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, accommodation, and field of vision. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are required to perform the work sample at a competitive level. The work sample elicits information on several work-related characteristics, including, among others, the evaluees ability to follow instructions; and his or her stamina, self-confidence, and motivation. The work sample is well suited to work-hardening purposes. Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in one 20 minute exercise. The work sample requires a 110V grounded outlet. Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#8 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available. Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors (Worker Qualifications Profile). Using MTM standards that have been adjusted for learning, the evaluator uses the number of assemblies score to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work samples Worker Qualifications Profile. Unadjusted MTM standards are also provided. Procedure: The work sample exercise is characteristic of conveyor-assembly jobs in which the product moves toward and away from workers on an assembly line. The evaluee is positioned in front of the work sample, and, as the assembly wheel turns at a constant speed, he or she makes as many three-part assembly operations as possible within the 20 minute time limit. First, the evaluee places a pin in a hole on the assembly wheel. Next, he or she places a spacer on the pin, and finally a cap on top of the spacer. Correct assemblies are automatically counted and recycled back into parts bins at the front of the work sample. Components: The work sample is a box 27 3/4" x 23 3/4" x 11 1/2" made of particle board and covered with blue, plastic laminate. It has an 18" diameter assembly wheel which is driven by a gear motor. The speed of the wheel can be adjusted up to 12.5 RPM. On the left side of the box is a unit assembly counter and an off/on switch. A motor speed control is located beneath the hinged lid at the rear left of the box. The front of the work sample is divided into two work trays which contain 12 assembly pins and 12 each white and black assembly parts. The work sample comes with a pad of 100 scoring sheets and a manual. VCWS 08 VCWS 8 Simulated Assembly Email for Quotation