Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit
Single outrigger components allow quick securement of an involved digit into the proper 90° line of pull.
Fabricate a dynamic finger extension splints in less time using this convenient kit.
Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit includes enough adjustable components to make five individual finger outrigger splints. Latex free.
Designed to address limited joint range of motion or weakness of the finger or thumb.
Contraindicated for fixed bony contractures or unstable fracture conditions. The preformed outrigger wire frames can be easily attached to a thermoplastic splint base. Hand based PIP extension splint pattern included in the instructions. Thermoplastic and straps sold separately.
The adjuster piece mounts securely on the outrigger frame to hold the extension rod, and can rotate to maintain correct alignment of the extension rod if the joint position needs to be changed.
The extension rod can be easily shortened or lengthened using the hex wrench. It has a curled end, which acts as line guide to the attached finger loop to keep digit in correct alignment.
Additional replacement parts are available, sold separately.
Kit includes:
6" (15cm) long extension rods
Plastic tip protectors
Adjuster pieces, each with three set screws
Finger loops with attached monofilament line and line stoppers
Individual finger outrigger frames
Sticky-back D-ring hookup straps
Hex wrench
Synthetic elastic bands (latex free)
Instructions included.
NC12781 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Email for Quotation
Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Replacement Components Email for Quotation

Blackhawk™ 单指悬臂支架
- 使用这个便捷的装置在更短的时间内拼装动态的手指延伸夹板。
- Blackhawk™ 单指悬臂支架内含足够的调节组件制作五个单独的手指悬臂夹板。 不含乳胶。
- 旨在解决关节活动范围有限或者手指或拇指无力
- 不适用于固定骨折导致挛缩或不固定骨折的情况。预制的悬臂钢丝骨架而且可以很容易地附着在热塑夹板上面。以手为基础的PIP延伸夹板图案包括在说明书之内。 热塑性塑料,束带分开销售
- 调节片牢牢地装在悬臂框架上用来固定延长杆上,并且如果关节处需要调整,可以通过旋转来和延长杆对齐。
- 延长杆可通过扳手轻松调节长短。卷曲的末端引导附带的指环将手指保持在准确的位置。
6英寸(15cm) 延长杆 5根
塑料尖端保护装置 5根
调节片, 每片带3个螺丝 5片
指环,带尼龙线和闭锁装置 5个
单独的手指悬臂框架 5个
背面有粘性的D形环连接带 5条
六角扳手 1个
人造松紧带(不含乳胶) 10条
NC12781 | Blackhawk™ 单指悬臂支架 | 电邮询价 |
NC12781-01 | Blackhawk™ 单指悬臂支架备用件 | 电邮询价 |
Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Single outrigger components allow quick securement of an involved digit into the proper 90° line of pull. Fabricate a dynamic finger extension splints in less time using this convenient kit. Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit includes enough adjustable components to make five individual finger outrigger splints. Latex free. Designed to address limited joint range of motion or weakness of the finger or thumb. Contraindicated for fixed bony contractures or unstable fracture conditions. The preformed outrigger wire frames can be easily attached to a thermoplastic splint base. Hand based PIP extension splint pattern included in the instructions. Thermoplastic and straps sold separately. The adjuster piece mounts securely on the outrigger frame to hold the extension rod, and can rotate to maintain correct alignment of the extension rod if the joint position needs to be changed. The extension rod can be easily shortened or lengthened using the hex wrench. It has a curled end, which acts as line guide to the attached finger loop to keep digit in correct alignment. Additional replacement parts are available, sold separately. Kit includes: 6" (15cm) long extension rods Plastic tip protectors Adjuster pieces, each with three set screws Finger loops with attached monofilament line and line stoppers Individual finger outrigger frames Sticky-back D-ring hookup straps Hex wrench Synthetic elastic bands (latex free) Instructions included. NC12781 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Email for Quotation NC12781-01 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Replacement Components Email for Quotation
Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Single outrigger components allow quick securement of an involved digit into the proper 90° line of pull. Fabricate a dynamic finger extension splints in less time using this convenient kit. Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit includes enough adjustable components to make five individual finger outrigger splints. Latex free. Designed to address limited joint range of motion or weakness of the finger or thumb. Contraindicated for fixed bony contractures or unstable fracture conditions. The preformed outrigger wire frames can be easily attached to a thermoplastic splint base. Hand based PIP extension splint pattern included in the instructions. Thermoplastic and straps sold separately. The adjuster piece mounts securely on the outrigger frame to hold the extension rod, and can rotate to maintain correct alignment of the extension rod if the joint position needs to be changed. The extension rod can be easily shortened or lengthened using the hex wrench. It has a curled end, which acts as line guide to the attached finger loop to keep digit in correct alignment. Additional replacement parts are available, sold separately. Kit includes: 6" (15cm) long extension rods Plastic tip protectors Adjuster pieces, each with three set screws Finger loops with attached monofilament line and line stoppers Individual finger outrigger frames Sticky-back D-ring hookup straps Hex wrench Synthetic elastic bands (latex free) Instructions included. NC12781 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Email for Quotation NC12781-01 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Replacement Components Email for Quotation
Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Single outrigger components allow quick securement of an involved digit into the proper 90° line of pull. Fabricate a dynamic finger extension splints in less time using this convenient kit. Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit includes enough adjustable components to make five individual finger outrigger splints. Latex free. Designed to address limited joint range of motion or weakness of the finger or thumb. Contraindicated for fixed bony contractures or unstable fracture conditions. The preformed outrigger wire frames can be easily attached to a thermoplastic splint base. Hand based PIP extension splint pattern included in the instructions. Thermoplastic and straps sold separately. The adjuster piece mounts securely on the outrigger frame to hold the extension rod, and can rotate to maintain correct alignment of the extension rod if the joint position needs to be changed. The extension rod can be easily shortened or lengthened using the hex wrench. It has a curled end, which acts as line guide to the attached finger loop to keep digit in correct alignment. Additional replacement parts are available, sold separately. Kit includes: 6" (15cm) long extension rods Plastic tip protectors Adjuster pieces, each with three set screws Finger loops with attached monofilament line and line stoppers Individual finger outrigger frames Sticky-back D-ring hookup straps Hex wrench Synthetic elastic bands (latex free) Instructions included. NC12781 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Email for Quotation NC12781-01 Blackhawk™ Single Digit Outrigger Kit Replacement Components Email for Quotation