Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™儿童青少年矫形鞋垫,柔软、灵活, 3/4长度的矫形鞋垫,为3至9岁儿童专业设计。
- 专业设计,精心管理儿童的脚部成长。
- 柔软,灵活的儿童矫形鞋垫,有4个尺寸分别适合不同的3个年龄段。
- 较深的后跟杯和较宽的内凸缘,可轻柔地支撑整个足部的功能。
- 每一个Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™儿童矫形鞋垫包装中都有一本着色的使用指导说明书,指导佩戴者如何使用。
Formthotics™ Youth儿童(青少年)矫形鞋垫
Formthotics™ Youth儿童(青少年)矫形鞋垫,专业为儿童(青少年)正在生长发育的脚部而设计,儿童(青少年)的脚部敏感,需要特别的加以保护,到12岁左右一般脚部可以生长成成人的脚部尺寸大小。
Formthotics™ Youth儿童(青少年)矫形鞋垫,是在2013年加入Formthotics™矫形鞋垫系列的,Formthotics™矫形鞋垫通过30多年,数以百万计使用者验证的有效性被很好地保留,并且添加了适合儿童脚部成长的特别保护和支撑。
- 提供自然的支撑,舒适并且温暖。
- 帮助减轻孩子的脚、膝盖或腿的疼痛。
- 帮助改善孩子的步态或步幅,以及姿势。
- 使孩子活动更愉快。
- 单层矫形鞋垫是指单层Formax™泡沫,可提供缓震性和舒适性。适用于鞋内空间有限或鞋子原来的鞋垫无法拆卸的鞋子。
- 双层矫形鞋垫是指在顶部有一层额外的缓冲Formax™泡沫,底座提供额外的支撑和稳定性。双层矫形鞋垫填充鞋子的更多空间,适合跑步鞋或类似用品(例如网球鞋,步行鞋,学校鞋)。
- 如果您的孩子在进行活动时抱怨持久的脚痛或足部疼痛,可能有下肢或脚部受伤,建议您向医疗专业人士寻求建议。
Formthotics™ 矫形鞋垫,是一种全面接触型矫形鞋垫 - 通过热成型设备成型,并使用到患者的脚上来实现。
Formthotics™ 矫形鞋垫,由Formax™材料制成,这是一种高等级专有的可热成型聚烯烃“闭孔”泡沫。 具有比其他泡沫更高的成型性,由此Formthotics™矫形鞋垫比其他矫形鞋垫具有更长效,更契合,更精确地模制成型。 作为全面接触型足部矫形鞋垫,Formthotics™提供了神经运动促进和生物力学控制。
- 生物力学控制 - Formthotics™矫形鞋垫通过对脚底施加压力,改变距下关节和其他关节的姿势和运动来实现机械理论。 这改变了身体中较高结构的姿势和机械功能。
- 神经运动促进 - 科学文献表明,矫形鞋垫对各种肌肉的平衡,稳定性和肌电图活动具有显着影响。 有学者研究表明,矫形鞋垫——特别是那些与脚的形状紧密契合的矫形鞋垫,能改变各种机械感受器终端器官的刺激,改变对神经系统的传入输入,以及去往各种肌肉的传出神经信号。 所以Formthotics™矫形鞋垫具有即时反射效果,并对脚部姿势,平衡和运动模式具有较长期的积极效果。
- 在过去的200年里,我们生存的环境发生了很大变化。我们的脚是为了适应更柔软的地形而变化的,但现在我们生活中普遍行走在坚硬,平坦的混凝土表面上,我们的脚被迫变平和扭曲。
- 我们的生活方式发生了变化。我们在日常生活中更久坐,大部分时间都花在伏案工作或电视机前休闲上。我们的脚现在不太习惯于活动。当我们在身体上挑战自己时,关节,肌肉和肌腱受到不适应的压力。
- 现代鞋类并不总是能支撑脚部。高跟鞋,尖头鞋,是几乎没有支撑结构的鞋子。凉鞋或通常不合脚的鞋子会导致水泡和不必要的疼痛产生。但我们愿意经常穿着这些鞋子,因为它们美观,但我们如何才能最大限度地减少这类鞋子给我们造成的痛苦呢?
Formthotics™是一种革命性的定制足矫形器(矫形鞋垫),用于治疗下肢损伤以及损伤预防,提高性能和改善舒适度,旨在为您提供所需要的支撑和舒适性。凭借独特的设计和制造工艺, Formthotics™建立了独特的功能,创造出自然的、适合您脚部的足部矫形器(矫形鞋垫)。
正如有些肌肉骨骼疼痛源于我们现代环境和生活方式的不利影响,对于脚下的环境和现代鞋类而言,尤其如此。Formthotics™矫形鞋垫将身体与环境之间的界面“自然化”,这种方法成功的一个关键因素是创建全面的接触型的矫形鞋垫。Formthotics™矫形鞋垫通过热成形来达到效果,Formthotics™矫形鞋垫的专属材料 Formax™泡沫,将比EVA泡沫能够更长效,更契合,更精确地保持模制形状。
Formthotics™是由Charlie Baycroft博士(之前为国际足科学部的医学总监)发明的,并辅之以来自足病医生,运动医学专家和物理治疗师的帮助和专家建议。
Formthotics™定制矫形鞋垫由Foot Science International在新西兰的基督城制造,距今已经有30多年。
Formthotics™ 矫形鞋垫由独特的专有PE泡沫制成,称为Formax™,一种化学交联的闭孔聚乙烯泡沫,这种Formax™泡沫与传统的EVA泡沫大不相同,目前大多数其他泡沫鞋垫均是由EVA泡沫制成。 Formax™泡沫可以完全可热成型,这意味着它们可以在相对较低的温度下改变形状。 它的闭孔结构意味着它完全防水并且不吸收细菌。
Formthotics™是抗菌的。 这是由于闭孔泡沫的特性,因为没有污染物被吸收,并且Formthotics™矫形鞋垫还由于添加了防止细菌和真菌生长的抗菌剂Ultra-Fresh™,所以Formthotics™矫形鞋垫是抗细菌和真菌的。独立的实验室测试表明,Formax™泡沫对黑曲霉和金黄色葡萄球菌有表面抑制作用。
Formthotics™ 矫形鞋垫的特点:

- Formthotics™是通过热成型模制,真正定制契合,能更好地支持和控制。
- Thermoforming(热成型)优化了Formthotics的性能,创造出足部和鞋履之间个性化的紧密配合。
- Formthotics可以进行多次热成形,并保持其新形状(即使在剧烈使用和重新加热后),以确保持久的全面支持。
- Formthotics可在相对较低的温度下成型。

- 足弓支撑确保您的足部支撑在中立位置,在跖骨头下提供纵向,横向和横向足弓支撑。
- Formthotics足弓支撑由一种独特的泪滴形状加工而成,并被磨成Formthotics下侧的泡沫。 从外侧(侧面)边缘添加铣削材料可增强对内侧(侧面)边缘的支撑。

- 深厚的鞋跟杯围绕脚跟创造出舒适的3维贴身效果,有助于减震并减少脚后跟撞击。
- Formthotics深踵杯提供了对脚后跟的更多支撑和控制,可以更准确地贴合脚上定制的鞋子。

- Formthotics是抗菌的,抗菌和抗真菌剂。
- Formthotics含有Ultra-Fresh™,可抑制细菌和真菌的生长,并防止产生脚臭和污渍,保持双脚健康。

- Formthotics™泡沫由Foot Science International开发,专门为矫形鞋垫设计。
- Formax™由高级“闭孔”专利聚乙烯泡沫制成。 泡沫更坚硬,并且比EVA泡沫能保持更长效且更精确的模制形状。 Formax™泡沫具有柔韧性,重量轻,支撑性强,防水,耐真菌和霉菌,以及低过敏性等特点。
- Formax™有单密度(一层泡沫层)和双层密度(两层泡沫层)可供选择,从而为控制提供了一个更坚硬的支撑基座,并为缓冲提供了更柔软的顶层泡沫层。 有各种密度(泡沫硬度)来满足性能和舒适性要求。

- ShockStop是一种混合EVA聚合物泡沫,可以减震和缓冲。 这可以减少对肌肉,关节和肌腱的影响,并且可以在运动后更快恢复。
- Formax™和ShockStop泡沫由新西兰Ultralon Foam International Ltd.公司生产。

- Formthotics™由一块泡沫材料进行3D研磨。 这个过程在整个矫形鞋垫上产生一致的泡沫结构,使压力点最小化。
- Formthotics使用独特的制造工艺,其中泡沫是从一个块中进行3D铣削,而不是像许多其他泡沫矫形鞋垫是压缩或注塑的。
- 因为Formthotics是3D研磨的,所以泡沫结构保持一致,并且没有与压缩模制泡沫相关的高度压缩的薄区域,并且泡沫仍然具有模制的能力。
- Formthotics的3D铣削确保了脚部的足跟,足弓和前脚结构以正确的方式得到支撑,并且通过热成型技术为您的脚提供了定制的适合性。
- 人们不同的活动需要不同类型的脚部支撑,并且各种类型的人需要穿着不同种类的鞋子。 Formthotics™矫形鞋垫具有各类形状可以适合人们各种活动的要求。
- Formthotics™ 矫形鞋垫具有不同的宽度,长度,弓形,脚跟轮廓,脚趾箱形状和泡沫密度选项,可以满足您的各种活动的需求,确保Formthotics™ 矫形鞋垫适合您的各种活动所需的鞋子。例如,与其他活动(如跑步等)相比,足球鞋的内部空间有限,并且不需要过度依赖足弓支撑,而鞋类中通常还有更多空间适合Formthotics。在各种运动爱好者和医疗专业人员的反馈之后,多年来Formthotics™ 在矫形鞋垫的形状开发方面在不断地更新和改进,以满足人们生活和治疗领域的各种需求。
- Formthotics™矫形鞋垫可以清洗吗?
- Formthotics™矫形鞋垫是否有不同的尺寸?

Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™儿童(青少年)矫形鞋垫-Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ 儿童青少年矫形鞋垫 | 电邮询价 |
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds Designed for the careful management of the growing foot Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses! Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control. Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body. Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns. Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly. Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort. Why do we need foot support? Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet? l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step. l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to. l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause? What are Formthotics? Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding. Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear. This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury. Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life. A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA. Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort. Who designs and makes Formthotics? Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists. They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years. What are Formthotics made from? They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs. Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus. The Formthotics™ Difference Thermoformable l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control. l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear. l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support. l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape. Arch support l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads. l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge. Heel cup l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike. l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet. Antimicrobial l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy. Formax™ l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic. l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements. ShockStop l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam. 3D Milling l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points. l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics. l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded. l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet. Shapes l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements. l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals. Medical FAQ l Do they come in different sizes? Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size. l How long will a set of Formthotics last? Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty. l Can Formthotics be cleaned ? Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™ Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics
Soft, flexible ¾ length orthoses for 3 to 9 year olds
Designed for the careful management of the growing foot
Soft, flexible orthoses in 4 sizes from approximately 3 years
A deep heel cup and wide medial flange gently supports the function of whole foot
A colouring book is provided in each Formthotics™ Junior pack, only available to the person who wears the orthoses!
Formthotics™ - Custom Medical Orthotics
Formthotics™ are a total contact foot orthotic – achieved by thermoforming (heat-moulding) the device and fitting it to the patients foot. They are made from Formax™, a high grade proprietary thermoformable polyolefin closed cell foam. With greater mouldability than other foams, it will hold a molded shape longer, better and more accurately than other orthotic devices. As a total contact foot orthotic, Formthotics™ provide the best possible neuromotor facilitation and biomechanical control.
Biomechanical control – Formthotics™ deliver on the mechanical theory by applying pressure to the sole of the foot, altering the posture and movement of the subtalar and other joints. This changes the posture and mechanical function of higher structures in the body.
Neuromotor facilitation – Scientific literature indicates that orthotics have significant effects on balance, stability and the EMG activity of various muscles. It is also stated that orthotics – and more so those that fit closely to the shape of the foot – alter the stimulation of various mechanoreceptor end organs change the afferent input to the nervous system, as well as the efferent neural signals going to the various muscles. Formthotics™ have immediate reflex benefits and longer term positive effects on foot posture, balance and motor patterns.
Formthotics are a tool trusted by medical professionals. Formthotics stabilise your feet and lower limbs, allowing other components of your treatment to be more effective, more rapidly. This helps to reduce foot and posture related pain, injury and muscle fatigue so you can recover more quickly.
Formthotics are reliable. Used by millions across the world over the past 30 years. Formthotics are a consistently high quality device, proven in research to reduce pain, treat and prevent injuries, and improve comfort.
Why do we need foot support?
Humans have walked the planet for thousands of years, shouldn’t we be pretty good at moving by now? Why do so many of us need orthotics to help stabilise and support our feet?
l Over the past 200 years, our environment has changed considerably. Our feet were designed to suit a softer terrain, but now we live on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces and our feet are forced to flatten and twist with every step.
l Our lifestyles have changed. We are more sedentary in daily lives, spending much of our time at a desk or in front of a TV. Our feet are now less accustomed to activity. When we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to.
l Modern day footwear does not always support the feet. High heels, pointy toe shoes, shoes with little support or structure, sandals or generally poor fitting shoes cause blisters and unnecessary pain. Often we wear these shoes for their good looks, but how can we minimise the pain they cause?
What are Formthotics?
Formthotics™ are a revolutionary custom foot orthotic. They are used for the treatment of lower limb injuries as well as for injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved comfort. Formthotics™ are a customised by thermoforming (heat moulding) to the patient’s foot and shoe and fully adjustable by additional posting and grinding.
Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control.
Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear.
Research and studies indicate that most people can benefit from the use of custom orthotics in their footwear.
This modern environment induces mechanical and neuro-motor adaptations in lower extremity function. These are stressful to tissues and will be revealed as "overuse" syndromes if loading is increased or the natural resilience of the tissues is decreased by aging or injury.
Formthotics™ "naturalise" the interface between the body and the environment with beneficial effects on musculoskeletal function, health and enjoyment of life.
A key element in the success of this method is creating total contact foot orthoses. This can be done best by thermoforming Formthotics™. The Formax™ foam will hold a moulded shape longer, better and more accurately than any EVA.
Formthotics™ have proven effectiveness in reducing pain, treating and preventing injuries and improving patient comfort.
Who designs and makes Formthotics?
Formthotics™ were invented by Dr Charlie Baycroft (previously Medical Director of Foot Science International) in conjunction with help and expert advice from podiatrists, sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists.
They have been manufactured in Christchurch New Zealand by Foot Science International for over 30 years.
What are Formthotics made from?
They are made from the unique, proprietary PE Foam called Formax™, a type of chemically cross-linked closed cell Polyethylene foam. This foam is very different from EVA that most other foam insoles are made from. Formax™ is completely thermoformable (heat mouldable), which means they can change shapeat relatively low temperatures. Its closed cell structure means it is completely waterproof and doesnt absorb bacteria or germs.
Formthotics™ are antimicrobial. This is due to the nature of the closed cell foam as no contaminants are absorbed and also due to the added antimicrobial agent, Ultra-Fresh™, which prevents growth of bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory tests show that Formax™ foam has a 100% surface inhibition of A.niger and S.aureus.
The Formthotics™ Difference
l Formthotics™ are heat moulded to your foot for a truly customised fit, better support and control.
l Thermoforming optimises the performance of Formthotics creating a close, personalised fit between the foot and footwear.
l Formthotics can be thermoformed any number of times and will retain their new shape (even after intense use and re-heating) to ensure lasting total support.
l Formthotics are mouldable at relatively low temperatures. In comparison, most other foam orthotics that are compression moulded – typically EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) foam – cannot effectively be moulded or remoulded. The heat and compression moulding manufacturing process alters the EVA cell structure, preventing the foam from holding a new shape when fitted; this forces the foam to return to the original manufactured shape.
Arch support
l The arch support ensures your foot is supported in a neutral position, providing longitudinal, lateral and transverse arch support under the metatarsal heads.
l The Formthotics arch support is assisted by a unique teardrop shape milled into the foam on the underneath side of Formthotics. Milling the material from the outside (lateral) edge enhances support on the inside (medial) edge.
Heel cup
l The deep heel cup creates a snug 3 dimensional fit around the heel, assisting with shock absorption and minimising heel strike.
l The Formthotics deep heel cup provides increased support and control around your heel, creating a more accurate fit to your footwear that is customised to your feet.
l Formthotics are antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal.
l Formthotics contain Ultra-Fresh™ which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that create foot odour and staining, keeping your feet healthy.
l Formax™ is made from high grade ‘closed cell’, proprietary polyethylene foam. The foam is firmer and will hold a moulded shape longer and more accurately than EVA foam. It is flexible, lightweight, supportive, waterproof, resistant to fungi and mould, and hypo-allergenic.
l Formax™ is available in single density (one foam layer) and dual density (two foam layers) providing a harder, supportive base for control and a softer top foam layer for cushioning. There are a variety of densities (foam hardness) to meet performance and comfort requirements.
l ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimises impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock.
l Formax™ and ShockStop foams are made by New Zealand-based Ultralon Foam International Ltd. Ultralon is recognised as a world leader in the manufacturing of high quality closed cell foam.
3D Milling
l Formthotics™ are 3D milled from a block of foam. This process creates a consistent foam structure across the orthotic, minimising pressure points.
l Formthotics use a unique manufacturing process where the foam is 3D milled from a block, not compressed or injection moulded like many other foam orthotics.
l Because Formthotics are 3D milled, the foam structure remains consistent and does not have heavily compressed thin areas associated with compression moulded foam, and the foam still has the ability to be moulded.
l The 3D milling of Formthotics ensure the heel, arch and forefoot structure of our feet are supported in the correct way and the thermoforming provides a customised fit for your feet.
l Different activities require different types of support and fit into different shoes for different people. Formthotics™ are shaped to suit your activity requirements.
l Formthotics have varied width, length, arch profile, heel profile, toe box shape and foam density options to suit the needs of your activity, ensuring they fit into the shoes required for your activity. For example, football boots have limited space available inside and do not need to heavily rely on arch support compared to other activities such as running, where there is also generally more space in the shoe to fit Formthotics. Formthotics shapes have been developed over many years, following feedback from activity enthusiasts and medical professionals.
Medical FAQ
l Do they come in different sizes?
Yes Formthotics™ come in size XXS (previously called Kids) through to XXL. They also come in various shapes, arch profiles and foam hardness. See our size chart that is found in each of the product detail pages to find your size.
l How long will a set of Formthotics last?
Formthotics™ will normally outlast the pair of shoes in which they are fitted. Even with heavy use most people should get a minimum of 12 months life from a pair of Formthotics™.Formthotics™ have a 30 day warranty.
l Can Formthotics be cleaned ?
Yes you can. Simply wash them in cold or warm water with a little detergent and rinse with water. Dry them with a towel and replace them in your shoes. The Formax™ foam is waterproof and does not absorb sweat, preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi which causes foot odour and may lead to infection or athlete’s foot (tinea). Formthotics™ have added protection of an antimicrobial product called Ultra-Fresh™
Formthotics™ Junior Formthotics™ Custom Medical Orthotics Email for Quotation