- 根据人体足部解剖学设计,足底与鞋垫全接触。
- 矫形足部支撑,和深足跟杯提供运动控制并减少过度内旋。
- 内置跖骨提升,支撑前足部位。
- 背部、膝盖和脚后跟疼痛——有助于缓解疼痛,无论是脚跟、膝盖还是背部。

- 步行和日常使用——理想的步行和日常使用。

- 运动用途——运动鞋的理想选择。

- 靴子——专为男士和女士的靴子设计。

- 儿童鞋 - 专为儿童鞋而设计。

- 休闲鞋 - 适合男士和女士休闲鞋。
71SA | VASYLI矫形鞋垫-VASYLI减震矫形鞋垫 | 电邮询价 |
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: l Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact l Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation l Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES l BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. l WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. l ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. l BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. l KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. l CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports. It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits: Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief. SIZES: S, M, L and XL PRODUCT BENEFITS AND FEATURES BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back. WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use. ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear. BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots. KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes. CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes. STYLE: 71SA 71SA VASYLI CUSTOM SHOCK ABSORBER Email for Quotation
Using high-energy, shock-absorping PU and Rebound EVA technology, the new VASYLI Orthotic Shock Absorber provides maximum shock-absorption during walking, running, and sports.
It also features a number of unique biomechanical benefits:
Anatomic design to ensure 100 percent proprioceptive contact
Orthotic foot support and deep heel cup to provide motion control and reduce excess pronation
Built-in metatarsal raise, supporting the forefoot area
As a result, it gives your patient excellent comfort, biomechanical control, and lasting pain relief.
SIZES: S, M, L and XL
BACK, KNEE &HEEL PAIN ——Helps relieve pain, whether in the heel, knee, or back.
WALKING & EVERYDAY USE——Ideal for walking and everyday use.
ATHLETIC USE——Ideal for athletic footwear.
BOOTS——Designed for men’s and women’s boots.
KIDS’ SHOES——Designed for kids’ shoes.
CASUAL SHOES——Ideal for both men’s and women’s casual shoes.