- 舒适:柔软,衬垫绝缘——不刺激皮肤
- 吸收性:可缩性,支撑性,避免受伤——最佳的缓冲保护功能
- 寿命长:耐磨性材料,多年使用寿命
- 卫生:简单的清洁抗菌、消毒
- 防水处理:封闭式泡沫。水或尘埃无法渗透进去
- 多功能:多种用途。适用于室内,室外,水中
- 防滑:表面结构和特别的泡沫技术防滑
- 平面放置:由于平面放置于地板,防止绊倒
- 接触时具有温暖舒适的感觉.闭孔结构确保产品内部有效防水,极易清洗
301910 | 瑞士爱力平衡软踏, 普通型 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in | 电邮询价 |
301915 | 瑞士爱力平衡软踏, 防滑型 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in | 电邮询价 |
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airex 「亚马逊」正品折扣,货到付款! airex网购上亚马逊,近15万种运动户外体育类产品,上千个品牌天天低价!亚马逊承诺:知名品牌,正品行货,质量保证,全网低价,货到付款,30天可退换! Airex平衡软踏|瑞士爱力软踏 Airex瑞士爱力软踏平衡软踏时世界上最好的平衡软踏、爱力平衡稳定性训练垫,适用于体能训练、平衡训练、协调和反应能力训练、姿势稳定性训练、维持平衡运动技巧训练 。 BeBalanced!平衡训练,Upgrade Your Life! ——加长版平衡软踏(01) 2014年2月14日 - AIREX® 爱力BeBalanced!® 系列训练计划根据身体生理学特性设计,可以改善身体姿势、本体感觉、协调和反应能力,并能够强健心肺系统功能,促进血液循环... 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽..._京东 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽平衡训练 水蓝色 标准型50*41*0.6cm图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动... 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽..._京东 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽平衡训练
airex 「亚马逊」正品折扣,货到付款! airex网购上亚马逊,近15万种运动户外体育类产品,上千个品牌天天低价!亚马逊承诺:知名品牌,正品行货,质量保证,全网低价,货到付款,30天可退换! Airex平衡软踏|瑞士爱力软踏 Airex瑞士爱力软踏平衡软踏时世界上最好的平衡软踏、爱力平衡稳定性训练垫,适用于体能训练、平衡训练、协调和反应能力训练、姿势稳定性训练、维持平衡运动技巧训练 。 BeBalanced!平衡训练,Upgrade Your Life! ——加长版平衡软踏(01) 2014年2月14日 - AIREX® 爱力BeBalanced!® 系列训练计划根据身体生理学特性设计,可以改善身体姿势、本体感觉、协调和反应能力,并能够强健心肺系统功能,促进血液循环... 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽..._京东 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽平衡训练 水蓝色 标准型50*41*0.6cm图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动... 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽..._京东 爱力(Airex)瑞士爱力健身版平衡软踏 平衡协调功能训练 瑜伽平衡训练
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex平衡软踏-瑞士爱力平衡软垫-Airex平衡软垫 Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex平衡软踏-瑞士爱力平衡软垫-Airex平衡软垫 Airex® Balance Pad Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm) The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise. 301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation 301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
Airex® Balance Pad
Use the Airex® Balance Pad for balance activities that help to improve weight shift and equilibrium in quadriped, half-kneeling and biped positions. Balance Pad measures 2-1/2" x 19-1/2" x 16-1/4" (6.4 x 50 x 41cm)
The Airex® Balance Pad Elite has the same dimensions as the original Balance Pad and features a waffle-pattern, non-slip surface on both sides that provides stimulation to foot receptors during exercise.
301910 Airex Balance Pad 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation
301915 Airex Balance Pad Elite 2-1/2 x 19 1/2 x 16 in Email for Quotation