- 6英寸(15厘米)宽的可拉伸TheraBand®弹力带,可以提供8种渐进式的,配有标准颜色编码的阻力水平。
- 有6码(5.5米)卷筒装和50码(46米)卷筒装,二种长度规格可选。
- 每种规格的包装都包括图解练习说明,使用说明指南,提示。
- 使用指南和说明书,根据需要可以单独另行购买。
- TheraBand®弹力带由优质的天然橡胶乳制成。
- 原装进口
NC75001-006 TheraBand®弹力带,黄色,阻力等级1,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75002-006 TheraBand®弹力带,红色,阻力等级2,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75003-006 TheraBand®弹力带,绿色,阻力等级3,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75004-006 TheraBand®弹力带,蓝色,阻力等级4,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75005-006 TheraBand®弹力带,黑色,阻力等级5,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75008-006 TheraBand®弹力带,银色,阻力等级6,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75009-006 TheraBand®弹力带,金色,阻力等级7,6码(5米)卷筒装
NC75000-050 TheraBand®弹力带,棕黄色,阻力等级0,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75001-050 TheraBand®弹力带,黄色,阻力等级1,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75002-050 TheraBand®弹力带,红色,阻力等级2,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75003-050 TheraBand®弹力带,绿色,阻力等级3,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75004-050 TheraBand®弹力带,蓝色,阻力等级4,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75005-050 TheraBand®弹力带,黑色,阻力等级5,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75008-050 TheraBand®弹力带,银色,阻力等级6,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75009-050 TheraBand®弹力带,金色,阻力等级7,50码(46米)卷筒装
- 带宽4英寸(10厘米),可拉伸,可以提供8种渐进式的,配有标准颜色编码的拉(阻)力水平。
- 有25码(22.6米)卷筒装和50码(46米)卷筒装,二种长度规格可选。
- 每种规格的包装都包括图解练习说明,使用说明指南,提示。
- 使用指南和说明书,根据需要可以单独另行购买。
- 原装进口
NC75026-025 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,红色,阻力等级2,25码(23米)卷筒装
NC75027-025 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,绿色,阻力等级3,25码(23米)卷筒装
NC75028-025 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,蓝色,阻力等级4,25码(23米)卷筒装
NC75029-025 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,黑色,阻力等级5,25码(23米)卷筒装
NC75025-050 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,黄色,阻力等级1,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75026-050 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,红色,阻力等级2,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75027-050 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,绿色,阻力等级3,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75028-050 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,蓝色,阻力等级4,50码(46米)卷筒装
NC75029-050 TheraBand®不含乳胶弹力带,黑色,阻力等级5,50码(46米)卷筒装
- 每个规格的自助分发盒,装有30条一种颜色规格(单色),代表一种阻力水平,且独立包装的,长度为5英尺(1.5米)的TheraBand®弹力带。
- 每个自助分发盒外包装上都印有乳胶提示,条形码和安全说明。
- 自助分发盒的外形尺寸为15厘米(宽) x 27厘米(高)x 11厘米(深)。
- 每个自助分发盒内独立包装的TheraBand®弹力带的尺寸为1.5米(长) x 13厘米(宽)。
- 原装进口
NC75002-005 TheraBand®弹力带自助分发盒,红色,阻力等级2,30包独立包装
NC75003-005 TheraBand®弹力带自助分发盒,绿色,阻力等级3,30包独立包装
NC75004-005 TheraBand®弹力带自助分发盒,蓝色,阻力等级4,30包独立包装
NC75005-005 TheraBand®弹力带自助分发盒,黑色,阻力等级5,30包独立包装
- 低(阻力小)阻力水平弹力带套装包,适合刚开始训练的使用者,包含有长度为6英尺(1.8米)的黄色、红色、绿色弹力带各一条。
- 高(阻力大)阻力水平弹力带套装包,适合训练后期的使用者,包含有长度为6英尺(1.8米)的蓝色、黑色弹力带各一条。
- 每种套装包都包括有图解练习说明,使用说明指南,提示。
- 原装进口
NC76011 TheraBand®不同阻力水平弹力带套装包,蓝黑,1.8米
- TheraBand®手柄——大而舒适的握把可以减轻手指的压力。各式的弹力带容易穿过这些手柄。成对出售。
- TheraBand®门锚——可以有效地将弹力带固定在不同高度的门框上,以进行相应动作的训练。
- TheraBand®运动手柄——系上弹力带或弹力管进行健身,康复或功能性训练。可用于单边或双边练习。具有三个不同连接点可束弹力带或弹力管,并提供不同的拉(阻)力水平训练。具有易于抓握的12英寸(30厘米)柔软的泡沫手柄。
- TheraBand®辅助带——扩大弹力带和弹力管可以进行的锻炼范围。可以使握力较弱的使用者(例如关节炎患者),在康复训练中更便于使用弹力带和弹力管。可以D形环连接器,以便于连接。
- TheraBand®配件系列(套装),包括一个TheraBand®门锚,一个TheraBand®辅助带,二个TheraBand®手柄
- 原装进口
NC75008 TheraBand®门锚
NC52139 TheraBand®运动手柄
NC74595 TheraBand®辅助带
NC74591 TheraBand®配件系列(套装)
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next. With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band. We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and feedback for gauging results. 101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation 101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation 101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation 101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation 101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation 101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation 101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation 101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation
TheraBand™ Resistance Bands
TheraBand™ latex Exercise Bands are available in 8 color-coded levels of resistance. Proper use of these systems for resistive exercise provides both positive and negative force on the muscles,
improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. Color-coded progressive resistance gives at-a-glance documentation of progress from one level to the next.
With TheraBand™ resistive exercise systems, measuring progress and achieving goals for fitness or therapy is easier than ever before. Different resistance levels are determined by thickness of the band.
We designed the TheraBand™ Progressive Resistance System with color-coded levels increasing in difficulty from tan (Extra Thin) to gold (Max). This comprehensive system provides positive reinforcement and
feedback for gauging results.
101019 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Tan Email for Quotation
101006 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Yellow Email for Quotation
101007 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Red Email for Quotation
101008 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Green Email for Quotation
101009 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Blue Email for Quotation
101010 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Black Email for Quotation
101018 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Silver Email for Quotation
101081 TheraBand™ Resistance Bands, 50 yard roll - Gold Email for Quotation