MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.


属于您的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(MusicGlove Home Suite),是一款与众不同的手部理疗设备,它既有效又有趣,结合治疗性音乐和游戏,以获得身临其境的康复训练体验,有助于改善手和手指的活动能力。
- 如果我想将MusicGlove和FitMi与平板电脑搭配使用,是否需要购买两台平板电脑?
- 这可以在我现有的计算机上工作吗?
- MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套在iPad上可以使用吗?
- 这对我的情况有效吗?
- 需要手动才能开始吗?

- 可以在没有治疗师的情况下独自在家中使用吗?
- MusicGlove康复治疗手套尺码表有吗?
XS(特小号):11.2mm-13.9mm;S(小号):13.4mm-17.8mm;M(中号):17.8mm-21.4mm; L(大号):20.7mm-25.9mm
- 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,小号),
- 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,小号),
- 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,中号),
- 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,中号),
- 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,大号),
- 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,大号),
- 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版便携式套件(右手,小号),
- 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版便携式套件(左手,小号),
- 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版便携式套件(右手,中号),
- 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版便携式套件(左手,中号),
- 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版便携式套件(右手,大号),
- 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版便携式套件(左手,大号),
- 其他附加产品——带预装MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版软件的10英寸平板电脑,
- 其他附加产品——MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套歌曲扩展包-流行歌曲,型号:FRD-MGSE-POP
FRD-MG-SR | 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,小号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG-SL | 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,小号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG-MR | 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,中号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG-ML | 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,中号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG-LR | 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,大号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG-LL | 适用于PC或Mac电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,大号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG10-SR | 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,小号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG10-SL | 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,小号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG10-MR | 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,中号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG10-ML | 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,中号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG10-LR | 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(右手,大号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MG10-LL | 带10英寸触摸屏平板电脑的MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版套件(左手,大号) | 电邮询价 |
FRD-TABLET | 带预装MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套家庭版软件的10英寸平板电脑 | 电邮询价 |
FRD-MGSE-POP | MusicGlove音乐康复治疗手套歌曲扩展包-流行歌曲 | 电邮询价 |
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.
MusicGlove Home Suite Your MusicGlove is a hand therapy device unlike any other: It’s eective and fun. The fun part is easy – but getting the most out of your MusicGlove requires following a solid regimen. Recommended Regimen First, you should assess your level of movement and decide which grips you want to work on. Some users may want to practice a single pinch, while others might exercise with several. Determine your personal comfort level and start there. Once you’ve selected the grips you want to work on, follow this regimen to keep yourself challenged: 1. Begin with a 15 minute session on the ‘Easy’ level. 2. When you’re comfortable with that, increase the length of your session until you can complete 45 minute – 1 hour long sessions. 3. After you can hit more than 90% of the notes correctly in an entire session, try moving up to the next di‑culty level. It is OK if you want to go back to 15 minute sessions when you do. No matter which grips, session duration, or diculty level you’re using – try to use your MusicGlove for at least 3 hours a week. This could look like six 30-minute sessions, or some 15-minute sessions mixed in with a couple hour-long ones. You should adapt your regimen to meet your needs. What to Expect in the Long Run: After just six 45-minute sessions,patients in our clinical trials reported signicant improvement in their hand function, including regaining the ability to perform these tasks: • Opening doorknobs • Tying their shoes • Double clicking a mouse • Cooking and using silverware • Using the restroom independently Patients with very limited hand function may need to practice longer before experiencing improvements like this, but continued recovery is a realistic possibility for everyone. How to Make the Most Progress: Repetition and consistency are the keys to recovery.As long as you’re consistent with your exercise and you try to complete a high number of repetitions every time you work out, you will see results. What to Do When Your Fingers Feel Tired or Stiff: Hand fatigue and stiff‑ness are common, especially during the first few days of using MusicGlove for hand therapy. If your fingers feel tired, just take a break and start again 12-24 hours later. If your fingers feel stiff‑ due to spasticity, rest assured that exercise helps with the stiff‑ness and your fingers can loosen with time. Do I need to buy two tablets if I want MusicGlove and FitMi with a tablet? No, you can get the FitMi + MusicGlove + Tablet bundle here! When you buy a bundle, you get extra savings. Does this work on my computer? In general, our software will work on your computer if you have purchased a Mac or PC in the last 5 years. If you aren’t sure your computer is compatible, you can download our System Test application. If you see a screen that says “Your system is compatible” after running the program, then it will work on your computer. Does this work on iPad? No, our software cannot run on iPads or other tablets. MusicGlove requires a compatible computer. If you do not have a compatible computer, you can purchase MusicGlove with a tablet. Will this work for my condition? MusicGlove is intended to help after neurological injury like stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. Do you need hand movement to get started? To use MusicGlove hand therapy actively without assistance, you need the ability to touch your thumb to at least one of your fingertips or side of your index finger. Can I use this at home by myself without a therapist? Yes. Thousands of individuals have used our devices at home without a therapist. Our mission is to help you continue to get high quality rehabilitation at home in between therapist visits or after you have been discharged from therapy. What you get with MusicGlove Tablet Model Ultra-portable 10 inch high definition tablet with a protective case. Use it to do your therapy anytime anywhere. Pre-installed software that’s ready to go out of the box. This is the best option if you do not know how to use a computer. Just click the start button to begin your rehab. Additional pre-installed MusicGlove software. If you chose to purchase MusicGlove Hand Therapy as well, you will not have to pay for the tablet model twice.