Power-Web™网格训练圈( Power-Web™)有不同的颜色,不同颜色的训练圈阻力大小都不尽相同。患者可以根据的功能恢复情况,选择不同的颜色的训练圈来改变阻力,实现渐进式抗阻训练。其中黄色的阻力较小;红色的阻力中等;绿色的阻力较大。
- 网格训练圈很适合治疗、训练、复原、损伤预防及其他运动。
- 允许几乎所有关节的重复运动,包括弯曲、伸展、内旋及后旋。
- 每个网格训练圈的阻力都能通过调整手掌位置和/或者手指嵌入深度改变,以满足特殊的训练需要。
- 两种规格可供选择,标准版及组合版。
- 标准版网格训练圈有五种阻力水平可供选择。
- 组合版在同一网格上提供了两种不同的阻力。一半是轻阻力水平,另一半阻力相对较大。
- 产品包括一本使用手册详细描述了使用网格进行的39种不同运动。
- 直径为14英寸(36厘米)
- 中度阻力的网格训练圈有不含乳胶版出售。
NC29260 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (米黄色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29261 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (黄色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29262 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (红色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29270 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (橙色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29263 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (绿色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29264 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (绿色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29288 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (米黄/红色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29286 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (黄/绿色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29287 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (红/蓝色) | 电邮询价 |
NC29289 | Power-Web™网格训练圈 (绿/黑色) | 电邮询价 |
手部训练网 赛乐手部训练网简介 Thera-Band手部训练网可为术后康复提供适宜的多种阻力级别训练。手部训练网便于手和腕关节进行渐进伸展训练、手指功能性训练,包括捏、分、抓,并通过渐进式弹性阻力来提高手、手指和拇指的肌力及活动度。本产品的弹性阻力从茶色(阻力最小)到黑色(阻力最大)阻力依次增加,共6个级别,可供使用者进行多种治疗性训练或手部健美训练。全方位手指、手部、腕和前臂康复 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网和赛乐专业弹力训练工具相同,手部训练网也有一套渐进的手部力量训练体系,上面有预先裁剪好的圆孔以便放置手指。较轻的阻力级别可以使手和手指轻松完成伸张、抓握以及手固有肌群力量训练。简易套装含有组装和使用说明。 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网 26200 简易套装,包含有手部训练网和赛乐Thera-Band茶、黄、红、绿、蓝和黑替换网
手部训练网 赛乐手部训练网简介 Thera-Band手部训练网可为术后康复提供适宜的多种阻力级别训练。手部训练网便于手和腕关节进行渐进伸展训练、手指功能性训练,包括捏、分、抓,并通过渐进式弹性阻力来提高手、手指和拇指的肌力及活动度。本产品的弹性阻力从茶色(阻力最小)到黑色(阻力最大)阻力依次增加,共6个级别,可供使用者进行多种治疗性训练或手部健美训练。全方位手指、手部、腕和前臂康复 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网和赛乐专业弹力训练工具相同,手部训练网也有一套渐进的手部力量训练体系,上面有预先裁剪好的圆孔以便放置手指。较轻的阻力级别可以使手和手指轻松完成伸张、抓握以及手固有肌群力量训练。简易套装含有组装和使用说明。 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网 26200 简易套装,包含有手部训练网和赛乐Thera-Band茶、黄、红、绿、蓝和黑替换网
手部训练网 赛乐手部训练网简介 Thera-Band手部训练网可为术后康复提供适宜的多种阻力级别训练。手部训练网便于手和腕关节进行渐进伸展训练、手指功能性训练,包括捏、分、抓,并通过渐进式弹性阻力来提高手、手指和拇指的肌力及活动度。本产品的弹性阻力从茶色(阻力最小)到黑色(阻力最大)阻力依次增加,共6个级别,可供使用者进行多种治疗性训练或手部健美训练。全方位手指、手部、腕和前臂康复 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网和赛乐专业弹力训练工具相同,手部训练网也有一套渐进的手部力量训练体系,上面有预先裁剪好的圆孔以便放置手指。较轻的阻力级别可以使手和手指轻松完成伸张、抓握以及手固有肌群力量训练。简易套装含有组装和使用说明。 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网 26200 简易套装,包含有手部训练网和赛乐Thera-Band茶、黄、红、绿、蓝和黑替换网
手部训练网 赛乐手部训练网简介 Thera-Band手部训练网可为术后康复提供适宜的多种阻力级别训练。手部训练网便于手和腕关节进行渐进伸展训练、手指功能性训练,包括捏、分、抓,并通过渐进式弹性阻力来提高手、手指和拇指的肌力及活动度。本产品的弹性阻力从茶色(阻力最小)到黑色(阻力最大)阻力依次增加,共6个级别,可供使用者进行多种治疗性训练或手部健美训练。全方位手指、手部、腕和前臂康复 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网和赛乐专业弹力训练工具相同,手部训练网也有一套渐进的手部力量训练体系,上面有预先裁剪好的圆孔以便放置手指。较轻的阻力级别可以使手和手指轻松完成伸张、抓握以及手固有肌群力量训练。简易套装含有组装和使用说明。 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网 26200 简易套装,包含有手部训练网和赛乐Thera-Band茶、黄、红、绿、蓝和黑替换网
手部训练网 赛乐手部训练网简介 Thera-Band手部训练网可为术后康复提供适宜的多种阻力级别训练。手部训练网便于手和腕关节进行渐进伸展训练、手指功能性训练,包括捏、分、抓,并通过渐进式弹性阻力来提高手、手指和拇指的肌力及活动度。本产品的弹性阻力从茶色(阻力最小)到黑色(阻力最大)阻力依次增加,共6个级别,可供使用者进行多种治疗性训练或手部健美训练。全方位手指、手部、腕和前臂康复 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网和赛乐专业弹力训练工具相同,手部训练网也有一套渐进的手部力量训练体系,上面有预先裁剪好的圆孔以便放置手指。较轻的阻力级别可以使手和手指轻松完成伸张、抓握以及手固有肌群力量训练。简易套装含有组装和使用说明。 赛乐®(Thera-Band®)渐进性手部训练网 26200 简易套装,包含有手部训练网和赛乐Thera-Band茶、黄、红、绿、蓝和黑替换网
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.
Power-Web™ Use to exercise the forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb. Power-Web™ is great for therapy, training, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and other exercises Allows duplication of virtually all joint actions including flexion, extension, pronation and supination. Reisistance of each web can be modified to meet specific needs by adjusting hand position and/or depth of finger insertion. Two models to choose from, Standard and Combo. Standard Power-Web™ is available in five resistance levels. Power-Web™ Combo features two resistances per unit. One half has a light resistance and the other half has a heavier resistance. Includes an instruction manual describing 39 different exercises. Measures 14" (36cm) in diameter. The Medium resistance Power-Web™ is available in latex-free.