SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation

- 升级后的皮带由舒适的弹性防滑材料组成,并将其缝在封面上,以最大限度地调整合适的定位和舒适的穿着。
- 新产品封面的特点是拉链的关闭,可以方便的清洗和更换手板。手和拇指上的非滑动凝胶可以减少迁移。
- 新产品的拇指支撑提供了两个调整(手掌外展/内收和桡骨外展/内收)进一步定制拇指位置。
- 小的六角螺丝已经被标准尺寸的十字头螺丝(即菲利浦斯头)替换,以提高性能。
Saebo S-01 | SaeboStretch动态手部支具, (左手小号) | 电邮询价 |
Saebo S-02 | SaeboStretch动态手部支具, (右手小号) | 电邮询价 |
Saebo S-03 | SaeboStretch动态手部支具, (左手中号) | 电邮询价 |
Saebo S-04 | SaeboStretch动态手部支具, (右手中号) | 电邮询价 |
Saebo S-05 | SaeboStretch动态手部支具, (左手大号) | 电邮询价 |
Saebo S-06 | SaeboStretch动态手部支具, (右手大号) | 电邮询价 |
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them. Changes to SaeboStretch Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning. The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration. The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position. The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance. The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position. The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity. Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation
SaeboStretch Dynamic Hand Splint
Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of three interchangeable hand pieces, each offering different grades of resistance, to safely reposition the fingers back into extension. The revolutionary strapping system holds the wrist, hand and fingers exactly where you want them.
Changes to SaeboStretch
Upgraded straps consist of comfortable elastic nonslip material, and they are sewn to the cover to maximize proper positioning and ease of donning.
The new cover features a zipper closure that can easily be removed for cleaning and changing of hand plates. Non-slip gel on the hand and thumb minimizes migration.
The new thumb system offers two adjustments (palmar abduction/adduction and radial abduction/adduction) to further customize the thumb position.
The small hex screws have been replaced with standard size head cross screws (i.e. Phillips head) for improved performance.
The SaeboStretch overcomes clinical concerns that can result from traditional hard static splints including joint damage, hypermobility, and contractures. This novel splint uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and increased tone. Following relaxation, the fingers gradually return to the desired resting position.
The SaeboStretch includes three interchangeable dynamic hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity.
Saebo S-01 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Small) Email for Quotation
Saebo S-02 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Small) Email for Quotation
Saebo S-03 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Medium) Email for Quotation
Saebo S-04 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Medium) Email for Quotation
Saebo S-05 SaeboStretch Splint, (Left Large) Email for Quotation
Saebo S-06 SaeboStretch Splint, (Right Large) Email for Quotation