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Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co.Ltd
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North Coast™ Premium Paraffin Wax




NC15496 Norco™优质固体石蜡薰冬青油味 6磅 电邮询价
NC15496-L Norco™优质固体石蜡薰衣草味 6磅 电邮询价
NC15496-LM Norco™优质固体石蜡柠檬味 6磅 电邮询价
NC15496-M Norco™优质固体石蜡黄瓜味 6磅 电邮询价
NC15496-P Norco™优质固体石蜡水蜜桃味 6磅 电邮询价
NC15496-US Norco™优质固体石蜡无香型 6磅 电邮询价


Norco™ Premium Paraffin Wax For use in all paraffin baths. Norco™ Premium Paraffin Wax is available in ScentFree™ and five scents: Lavender, Melon, Peach, Lemon and Wintergreen. These easy-to-pour, quick-melting beads are formulated for use in all paraffin baths. Triple-filtered, FDA food-grade paraffin is sold in six 1 lb. (.45kg) packages. NC15496 NC Paraffin Wax Wintergreen 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-L NC Paraffin Wax Lavender 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-LM NC Paraffin Wax Lemon 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-M NC Paraffin Wax Melon 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-P NC Paraffin Wax Peach 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-US NC Paraffin Wax ScentFree 6 lbs Email for Quotation
Norco™ Premium Paraffin Wax For use in all paraffin baths. Norco™ Premium Paraffin Wax is available in ScentFree™ and five scents: Lavender, Melon, Peach, Lemon and Wintergreen. These easy-to-pour, quick-melting beads are formulated for use in all paraffin baths. Triple-filtered, FDA food-grade paraffin is sold in six 1 lb. (.45kg) packages. NC15496 NC Paraffin Wax Wintergreen 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-L NC Paraffin Wax Lavender 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-LM NC Paraffin Wax Lemon 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-M NC Paraffin Wax Melon 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-P NC Paraffin Wax Peach 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-US NC Paraffin Wax ScentFree 6 lbs Email for Quotation
Norco™ Premium Paraffin Wax For use in all paraffin baths. Norco™ Premium Paraffin Wax is available in ScentFree™ and five scents: Lavender, Melon, Peach, Lemon and Wintergreen. These easy-to-pour, quick-melting beads are formulated for use in all paraffin baths. Triple-filtered, FDA food-grade paraffin is sold in six 1 lb. (.45kg) packages. NC15496 NC Paraffin Wax Wintergreen 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-L NC Paraffin Wax Lavender 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-LM NC Paraffin Wax Lemon 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-M NC Paraffin Wax Melon 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-P NC Paraffin Wax Peach 6 lbs Email for Quotation NC15496-US NC Paraffin Wax ScentFree 6 lbs Email for Quotation
上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司 Shanghai RuiShi Biological Technology Co., Ltd
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